Monday, 5 March 2018

MongooDB Concept Part 9

9. Administering MongoDB

Shakuntala Gupta Edward and Navin Sabharwal2
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
New Delhi, Delhi, India

“Administering MongoDB is not like administering traditional RDBMS databases. Although most of the administrative tasks are not required or are done automatically by the system, still there are few tasks that need manual intervention.”
In this chapter, you will go over the process of basic administrative operations for backups and restoration, importing and exporting data, managing the server, and monitoring the database instances.

9.1 Administration Tools

Before you dive into the administration tasks, here’s a quick overview of the tools. Since MongoDB does not have a GUI-style administrative interface, most of the administrative tasks are done using the command line mongo shell. However, some UIs are available as separate community projects.

9.1.1 mongo

The mongo shell is part of the MongoDB distribution. It’s an interactive JavaScript shell for the MongoDB database. It provides a powerful interface for administrators as well as developers to test queries and operations directly with the database.
In previous chapters, you covered development using the shell. In this chapter, you will go through the system administration tasks using the shell.

9.1.2 Third-Party Administration Tools

A number of third party tools are available for MongoDB. Most of the tools are web-based.
A list of all of the third party administration tools that support MongoDB is maintained by 10gen on the MongoDB web site at .

9.2 Backup and Recovery

Backup is one of the most important administrative tasks. It ensures that the data is safe and in case of any emergency can be restored back.
If the data cannot be restored back, the backup is useless. So, after taking a backup, the administrator needs to ensure that it’s in a usable format and has captured the data in a consistent state.
The first skill an administrator needs to learn is how to take backups and restore it back.

9.2.1 Data File Backup

The easiest way to back up the database is to copy the data into the data directory folder.
All of the MongoDB data is stored in a data directory, which by default is C:\data\db (in Windows) or /data/db (in LINUX). The default path can be changed to a different directory using the –dbpath option when starting the mongod.
The data directory content is a complete picture of the data that is stored in the MongoDB database. Hence taking a MongoDB backup is simply copying the entire contents of the data directory folder.
Generally, it is not safe to copy the data directory content when MongoDB is running. One option is to shut down the MongoDB server before copying the data directory content.
If the server is shut down properly, the content of the data directory represents a safe snapshot of the MongoDB data, so it can be copied before the server is restarted again.
Although this is a safe and effective way of taking backups, it’s not an ideal way, because it requires downtime.
Next, you will discuss techniques of taking backups that do not require downtime.

9.2.2 mongodump and mongorestore

mongodump is the MongoDB backup utility that is supplied as part of the MongoDB distribution. It works as a regular client by querying a MongoDB instance and writing all the read documents to the disk.
Let’s perform a backup and then restore it to validate that the backup is in usable and consistent format.
The following code snippets are from running the utilities on a Windows platform. The MongoDB server is running on the localhost instance.
Open a terminal window and enter the following command:
C:\> cd c:\practicalmongodb\bin
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> mongod --rest
2015-07-15T22:26:47.288-0700 I CONTROL [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=3820 port=27017 dbpath=c:\data\db\ 64-bit host=ANOC9
2015-07-15T22:28:23.563-0700 I NETWORK [websvr] admin web console waiting for connections on port 28017
In order to run mongodump, execute the following in a new terminal window:
C:\> cd c:\practicalmongodb\bin
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> mongodump
2015-07-15T22:29:41.538-0700 writing admin.system.indexes to dump\admin\system.indexes.bson
2015-07-14T22:29:46.720-0700 writing mydbproc.users to dump\mydbproc\users.bson
This dumps the entire database under the dump folder in the bin folder directory itself, as shown in Figure 9-1.

Figure 9-1.
The dump folder
The mongodump utility by default connects to the localhost interface of the database on the default port.
Next, it pulls and stores each database and collection’s associated data files into a predefined folder structure, which defaults to ./dump/[databasename]/[collectionname].bson.
The data is saved in .bson format, which is similar to the format used by MongoDB for storing its data internally.
If content is already in the directory, it will remain untouched unless the dump contains same file. For example, if the dump contains the files c1.bson and c2.bson, and the output directory has files c3.bson and c1.bson, then mongodump will replace the c1.bson file of the folder with its c1.bson file, and will copy the c2.bson file, but it won’t remove or change the c3.bson file.
You should make sure that the directory is empty before using it for mongodump unless you have a requirement of overlaying the data in your backups. Single Database Backup

In the above example, you executed mongodump with the default setting, which dumps all of the databases on the MongoDB database server.
In a real-life scenario, you will have multiple application databases running on a single server, each having a different requirement of backup strategies.
Specifying the –d parameter in the mongodump utility will let you take the backup’s database wise.
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> mongodump -d mydbpoc
2015-07-14T22:37:49.088-0700 writing mydbproc.mapreducecount1 to dump\mydbproc\ mapreducecount1.bson
2015-07-14T22:37:54.217-0700 writing mydbproc.users metadata to dump\mydbproc\users.metadata.json
2015-07-14T22:37:54.218-0700 done dumping mydbproc.users
As of MongoDB-2.6, database administrator must have access to admin database in order to backup users and user-defined roles for given database as MongoDB stores these information in admin database only. Collection Level Backup

There are two types of data in every database: data that changes rarely, such as configuration data where you maintain the users, their roles, and any application-related configurations, and then you have data that changes frequently such as the events data (in case of a monitoring application), posts data (in case of blog application), and so on.
As a result, the backup requirements are different. For instance, the complete database can be backed up once a week whereas the rapidly changing collection needs to be backed up every hour.
Specifying the –c parameter in the mongodump utility enables the user to implement backups for a specified collection individually.
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> mongodump -d mydbpoc -c users
2015-07-14T22:41:19.850-0700 writing mydbproc.users to dump\mydbproc\users.bson
2015-07-14T22:41:30.710-0700 writing mydbproc.users metadata to dump\mydbproc\users.metadata.json
2015-07-14T22:41:30.712-0700 done dumping mydbproc.users
If the folder where the data needs to be dumped is not specified, by default it dumps the data in a directory named dump in the current working directory, which in this case is c:\practicalmongodb\bin. mongodump –Help

You have covered the basics of executing mongodump. Apart from the options mentioned above, mongodump provides other options that let you tailor the backups as per requirements. As with all other utilities, executing the utility with the –help option will provide the list of all available options. mongorestore

As mentioned, it is mandatory for the administrators to ensure that the backups are happening in a consistent and usable format. So the next step is to restore the data dump back using mongorestore.
This utility will restore the database back to the state when the dump was taken. Prior to version 3.0, it was allowed to run the command without even starting the mongod/mongos. Starting from version 3.0, if the command is executed before starting the mongod/mongos the following error(s) will show:
c:\> cd c:\practicalmongodb\bin
c:\ practicalmongodb\bin> mongorestore
2015-07-15T22:43:07.365-0700 using default 'dump' directory
2015-07-15T22:43:17.545-0700 Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers
You must run the mongod/mongos instance prior to running the mongorestore command.
c:\> cd c:\practicalmongodb\bin
c:\ practicalmongodb\bin> mongod --rest
2015-07-15T22:43:25.765-0700 I CONTROL [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=3820 port=27017 dbpath=c:\data\db\ 64-bit host=ANOC9
2015-07-15T22:43:25.865-0700 I NETWORK [websvr] admin web console waiting for connections on port 28017
c:\ practicalmongodb\bin> mongorestore
2015-07-15T22:44:09.786-0700 using default 'dump' directory
2015-07-15T22:44:09.792-0700 building a list of dbs and collections to restore from dump dir
2015-07-15T22:44:09.732-0700 restoring indexes for collection mydbproc.users from metadata
2015-07-15T22:44:09.864-0700 finished restoring mydbproc.users
This force appends the data to the back of the existing data.
To override the default behavior, –drop should be used in the above snippet.
The –drop command indicates to the mongorestore utility that it needs to delete all the collections and data within the aforementioned database and then restore the dump data back to the database.
If –drop is not used, the command appends the data to the end of the existing data.
Note that starting from version 3.0, the mongorestore command can also accept input from standard input. Restoring a Single Database

As you saw in the backup section, the backup strategies can be specified at individual database level. You can run mongodump to take a backup of a single database by using the –d option.
Similarly, you can specify the –d option to mongorestore to restore individual databases.
c:\ practicalmongodb\bin> mongorestore -d mydbpocc:\practicalmongodb\bin\dump\mydbproc -drop
2015-07-14T22:47:01.155-0700 building a list of collections to restore from C :\practicalmongodb\bin\dump\mydbproc dir
2015-07-14T22:47:01.156-0700 reading metadata file from C :\practicalmongodb\bin\dump\mydbproc \users.metadata.json
2015-07-14T22:50:09.732-0700 restoring indexes for collection mydbproc.users from metadata
2015-07-14T22:50:09.864-0700 finished restoring mydbproc.users
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> Restoring a Single Collection

As with mongodump where you can use –c option to specify collection-level backups, you can also restore individual collections by using the –c option with the mongorestore utility.
c:\ practicalmongodb\bin> mongorestore -d mydbpoc -c users C:\ practicalmongodb\bin\dum\mydb\user.bson -drop
2015-07-14T22:52:14.732-0700 restoring indexes for collection mydbproc.users from metadata
2015-07-14T22:52:14.864-0700 finished restoring mydbproc.users
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> Mongorestore –Help

The mongorestore also has multiple options, which can be viewed using the –help option. Consult the following web site also: .

9.2.3 fsync and Lock

Although the above two methods (mongodump and mongorestore) enable you take a database backup without any downtime, they don’t provide the ability to get a point-in-time data view.
You saw how to copy the data files to take the backups, but this requires shutting down the server before copying the data, which is not feasible in a production environment.
MongoDB’s fsync command lets you copy content of the data directory by running MongoDB without changing any data.
The fsync command forces all pending writes to be flushed to the disk. Optionally, it holds a lock in order to prevent further writes until the server is unlocked. This lock only makes the fsync command usable for backups.
To run the command from the shell, connect to the mongo console in a new terminal window.
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> mongo
MongoDB shell version: 3.0.4
connecting to: test
Next, switch to admin and issue the runCommand to fsync:
> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.runCommand({"fsync":1, "lock":1})
"info" : "now locked against writes, use db.fsyncUnlock() to unlock",
"ok" : 1
At this point, the server is locked for any writes, ensuring that the data directory is representing a consistent, point-in-time snapshot of the data. The data directory contents can be safely copied to be used as the database backup.
You must unlock the database post the completion of the backup activity. In order to do so, issue the following command:
> db.$cmd.sys.unlock.findOne()
{ "ok" : 1, "info" : "unlock completed" }
The currentOp command can be used to check whether the database lock has been released or not.
> db.currentOp()
{ "inprog" : [ ] }
(It may take a moment after the unlock is first requested.)
The fsync command lets you take a backup without downtime and without sacrificing the backup’s point-in-time nature. However, there is a momentary blocking of the writes (also called a momentary write downtime).
Starting from version 3.0, when using WiredTiger, fsync cannot guarantee that the data files will not change. So it cannot be used to ensure consistency for creating backups.
Next, you’ll learn about slave backup. This is the only backup technique that enables taking a point-in-time snapshot without any kind of downtime.

9.2.4 Slave Backups

Slave backups are the recommended way for data backups in MongoDB. The slave always stores a data copy that is nearly in sync with the master, and the slave availability or performance is not much of an issue. You can apply any of the techniques discussed earlier on the slave rather than the master: shutting down, fsync with lock, or dump and restore.

9.3 Importing and Exporting

When you are trying to migrate your application from one environment to another, you often need to import data or export data .

9.3.1 mongoimport

MongoDB provides the mongoimport utility that lets you bulk load data directly into a collection of the database. It reads from a file and bulk loads the data into a collection.
These methods are not suitable for production environment.
The following three file formats are supported by mongoimport:
  • JSON: In this format you have JSON blocks per line, which represent a document.
  • CSV: This is a comma-separated file.
  • TSV: TSV files are same as CSV files; the only difference is it uses a tab as the separator.
Using –help with mongoimport will provide all the options available with the utility.
mongoimport is very simple. Most of the time you will end up using the following options:
  • -h or –host : This specifies the mongod hostname where the data need to be restored. If the option is not specified, the command will connect to the mongod running on localhost at port 27017 by default. Optionally, a port number can be specified to connect to mongod running on a different port.
  • -d or –db : Specifies the database where the data needs to be imported.
  • -c or –collection : Specifies the collection where data need to be uploaded.
  • --type : This is the file type (i.e. CSV, TSV or JSON).
  • --file : This is the file path from where the data need to be imported.
  • --drop : If this option is set, it will drop the collection and recreate the collection from the imported data. Otherwise, the data is appended at the end of the collection.
  • --headerLine : This is used for CSV or TSV files only, and is used to indicate that the first line is a header line.
The following command imports the data from a CSV file to the testimport collection on the localhost:
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> mongoimport --host localhost --db mydbpoc --collection testimport --type csv –file c:\exporteg.csv –-headerline
2015-07-14T22:54:08.407-0700 connected to: localhost
2015-07-14T22:54:08.483-0700 imported 15 documents
c:\ practicalmongodb\bin>

9.3.2 mongoexport

Similar to the mongoimport utility, MongoDB provides a mongoexport utility that lets you export data from the MongoDB database. As the name suggests, this utility exports files from the existing MongoDB collections.
Using –help shows available options with the mongoexport utility. The following options are the ones you will end up using most:
  • -q : This is used to specify the query that will return as output the records that need to be exported. This is similar to what you specify in the db.CollectionName.find() function when you have to retrieve records matching the selection criteria. If no query is specified, all the documents are exported.
  • -f : This is used to specify the fields that you need to export from the selected documents.
The following command exports the data from Users collection to a CSV file:
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> mongoexport -d mydbpoc -c myusers -f _id,Age –type=csv > myusers.csv
2015-07-14T22:54:48.604-0700 connected to:
2015-07-14T22:54:48.604-0700 exported 22 records

9.4 Managing the Server

In this section, you will look at the various options that you need to be aware of as an administrator of the system.

9.4.1 Starting a Server

This section covers how to start the server. Previously, you used the mongo shell to start the server by running mongod.exe.
The MongoDB server can be started manually by opening a command prompt (run as administrator) in Windows or a terminal window on Linux systems and typing the following command:
C:\>cd c:\practicalmongodb\bin
c:\ practicalmongodb\bin>mongod
mongod --help for help and startup options
This window will display all the connections that are being made to the mongod. It also displays information that can be used to monitor the server.
If no configuration is specified, MongoDB starts up with the default database path of C:\data\db on Windows and /data/db on Linux and binds to the localhost using default ports 27017 and 27018.
Typing ^C will shut down the server cleanly.
MongoDB provides two methods for specifying configuration parameters for starting up the server.
The first is to specify using command-line options (refer to Chapter tk).
The second method is to load a configuration file. The server configuration can be changed by editing the file and then restarting the server.

9.4.2 Stopping a Server

The server can be shut down pressing CTRL+C in the mongod console itself. Otherwise, you can use the shutdownServer command from the mongo console.
Open a terminal window, and connect to the mongo console.
C:\> cd c:\practicalmongodb\bin
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> mongo
MongoDB shell version: 3.0.4
connecting to: test
Switch to admin db and issue the shutdownServer command:
> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.shutdownServer()
2015-07-14T22:57:20.413-0700 I NETWORK DBClientCursor::init call() failed server should be down...
2015-07-14T22:57:20.418-0700 I NETWORK trying reconnect to
2015-07-14T22:57:21.413-0700 I NETWORK failed couldn't connect to server
If you check the mongod console where you started the server in the previous step, you will see that the server has been shut down successfully.
2015-07-14T22:57:30.259-0700 I COMMAND [conn1] terminating, shutdown command received
2015-07-14T22:57:30.260-0700 I CONTROL [conn1] now exiting
2015-07-14T22:57:30.380-0700 I STORAGE [conn1] shutdown: removing fs lock...
2015-07-14T22:57:30.380-0700 I CONTROL [conn1] dbexit: rc: 0

9.4.3 Viewing Log Files

By default the entire log output of MongoDB is written to stdout but this can be changed by specifying the logpath option in the configuration when starting the server to redirect the output to a file.
The log file contents can be used to identify problems such as exceptions, which may indicate some data problem or connection issues.

9.4.4 Server Status

db.ServerStatus() is a simple method provided by MongoDB for checking the server status, such as number of connections, uptime, and so on. The output of the server status command depends upon the operating system platform, MongoDB version, storage engine used, and type of configuration (like standalone, replica set, and sharded cluster).
Starting from version 3.0, the following sections are removed from the output: workingSet, indexCounters, and recordStats.
In order to check the status of a server using the MMAPv1 storage engine, connect to the mongo console, switch to admin db, and issue the db.serverStatus() command .
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> mongo
MongoDB shell version: 3.0.4
connecting to: test
> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.serverStatus()
host" : "ANOC9",
"version" : "3.0.4",
"process" : "mongod",
"pid" : NumberLong(1748),
"uptime" : 14,
"uptimeMillis" : NumberLong(14395),
"uptimeEstimate" : 13,
"localTime" : ISODate("2015-07-14T22:58:44.532Z"),
"asserts" : {
"regular" : 0,
"warning" : 0,
"msg" : 0,
"user" : 1,
"rollovers" : 0
The above serverStatus output will also have a “backgroundflushing” section, which displays reports corresponding to the process used by MongoDB to flush data to disk using MMAPv1 as the storage engine.
The "opcounters" and "asserts" sections provide useful information that can be analyzed to classify any problem.
The “opcounters” section shows the number of operations of each type. In order to find out if there’s any problem, you should have a baseline of these operations. If the counters start deviating from the baseline, this indicates a problem and will require taking action to bring it back to the normal state.
The “asserts” section depicts the number of client and server warnings or exceptions that have occurred. If you find a rise in such exceptions and warnings, you need to take a good look at the logfiles to identify if a problem is developing. A rise in the number of asserts may also indicate a problem with the data, and in such scenarios MongoDB validate functions should be used to check that the data is undamaged.
Next, let’s start the server using the WiredTiger storage engine and see the serverStatus output.
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> mongod –storageEngine wiredTiger
2015-07-14T22:51:05.965-0700 I CONTROL Hotfix KB2731284 or later update is installed, no need to zero-out data files
2015-07-29T22:51:05.965-0700 I STORAGE [initandlisten] wiredtiger_open config: create,cache_size=1G,session_max=20000,eviction=(threads_max=4),statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),file_manager=(close_idle_time=100000),checkpoint=(wait=60,log_size=2GB),statistics_log=(wait=0)
In order to check the server status , connect to the mongo console, switch to admin db, and issue the db.serverStatus() command .
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> mongo
MongoDB shell version: 3.0.4
connecting to: test
> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.serverStatus()
"wiredTiger" : {
"uri" : "statistics:",
"LSM" : {
"tree maintenance operations scheduled":0,
"async" : {
"number of allocation state races":0,
"number of operation slots viewed for allocation":0,
"current work queue length" : 0,
"number of flush calls" : 0,
"number of times operation allocation failed":0,
"maximum work queue length" : 0,
"block-manager" : {
"mapped bytes read" : 0,
"bytes read" : 966656,
"bytes written" : 253952,
"blocks written" : 45
As you can see, the server status output has a new section known as wiredTiger statistics when started with storage engine WiredTiger.

9.4.5 Identifying and Repairing MongoDB

In this section, you will look at how you can repair a corrupt database .
If you are getting errors like
  • Database server refuses to start, stating data files are corrupt
  • Asserts are seen in the log files or db.serverStatus() command
  • Strange or unexpected queries results
this means the database is corrupt and a repair must be run in order to recover the database.
The first thing you need to do before you can start the repair is to take the server offline if it’s not already. You can use either option mentioned above. In this example, type ^C in the mongod console. This will shut down the server.
Next, start the mongod using the –repair option, as shown:
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> mongod --repair
2015-07-14T22:58:31.171-0700 I CONTROL Hotfix KB2731284 or later update is installed, no need to zero-out data files
2015-07-14T22:58:31.173-0700 I CONTROL [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=3996 port=27017 dbpath=c:\data\db\ 64-bit host=ANOC9
2015-07-14T22:58:31.174-0700 I CONTROL [initandlisten] db version v3.0.4
2015-07-14T22:58:31.447-0700 I STORAGE [initandlisten] shutdown: removing fs lock...
2015-07-14T22:58:31.449-0700 I CONTROL [initandlisten] dbexit: rc: 0
c:\ practicalmongodb\bin>
This will repair mongod. If you look at the output, you’ll find various discrepancies that the utility is repairing. Once the repair process is over, it exits.
After completion of the repair process, the server can be started as normal and then the latest database backups can be used to restore missing data.
At times, you may notice that the drive is running out of disk space when a large database is under repair. This is due to the fact that the MongoDB needs to create a temporary copy of the files on the same drive as the data files. To overcome this issue, while repairing a database you should use the –repairpath parameter to specify the drive where the temporary files can be created during the repair process.

9.4.6 Identifying and Repairing Collection Level Data

Sometimes you might want to validate that the collection holds valid data and had valid indexes. For such cases, MongoDB provides a validate() method that validates the content of the specified collection.
The following example validates the data of the Users collection:
c:\practicalmongodb\bin> mongo
MongoDB shell version: 3.0.4
connecting to: test
> use mydbpoc
switched to db mydbpoc
> db.myusers.validate()
"ns" : "mydbpoc.myusers",
"firstExtent" : "1:4322000 ns:mydbpoc.myusers",
"lastExtent" : "1:4322000 ns:mydbpoc.myusers",
"valid" : true,
"errors" : [ ],
"warning" : "Some checks omitted for speed. use {full:true} option to do
more thorough scan.",
"ok" : 1
Both the data files and the associated indexes are checked by default by the validate() option . The collection statistics are provided to help in identifying if there’s any problem with the data files or the indexes.
If running validate() indicates that the indexes are damaged, in that case reIndex can be used to re-index the indexes of the collection. This drops and rebuilds all the indexes of the collection.
The following command reindexes the Users collection’s indexes:
> use mydbpoc
switched to db mydbpoc
> db.myusers.reIndex()
"nIndexesWas" : 1,
"msg" : "indexes dropped for collection",
"nIndexes" : 1,
"indexes" : [
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"ns" : "mydbpoc.myusers",
"name" : "_id_"
"ok" : 1
If the collection’s data files are corrupt, then running the –repair option is the best way to repair all of the data files.

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