Saturday, 15 October 2022

Oracle SQL Tuning Tools and Explain plan

Understanding SQL Tuning Tools


The foundation tools for SQL tuning are:

1.       The EXPLAIN PLAN command

2.       The SQL Trace facility

3.       The tkprof trace file formatter

To diagnose Problem

    1- Enable the trace

    2- Take the explain plan

    3- Get the real time explain plan from v$sql_plan

    4- Check for full table scan

    5- Is it picking the index or not

    6- get the physical,logical reads and executions stats

    7- check for the wait events caused by your sql stmt

    8- run tkprof on the trace file generated

Explain Plan

  To execute  a SQL statement ,Oracle might need to perform many steps. So Execution plan is a list of steps that Oracle will follow in order to execute a SQL statement.

  The EXPLAIN PLAN statement displays execution plans chosen by the Oracle optimizer for SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements. A statement's execution plan is the sequence of operations Oracle performs to run the statement.

  There are two methods for looking at the execution plan

    1. EXPLAIN PLAN command: Displays an execution plan for a SQL statement without actually executing the statement

   2. V$SQL_PLAN A dictionary view introduced in Oracle 9i that shows the execution plan for a SQL statement that has been compiled into a cursor in the cursor cache


What we will check in Execution Plan

    It shows the following information:

       An ordering of the tables referenced by the statement

       An access method for each table mentioned in the statement

       A join method for tables affected by join operations in the statement

       Data operations like filter, sort, or aggregation

In addition to the row source tree, the plan table contains information about the following:

       Optimization, such as the cost and cardinality of each operation

       Partitioning, such as the set of accessed partitions

       Parallel execution, such as the distribution method of join inputs


Explain Plan 

An explain plan is a representation of the access path that is taken when a query is executed within Oracle. Query processing can be divided into 7 phases:

  1. Syntactic – checks the syntax of the query
  2. Semantic – checks that all objects exist and are accessible
  3. View Merging – rewrites query as join on base tables as opposed to using views
  4. Statement Transformation – rewrites query transforming some complex constructs into simpler ones where appropriate (e.g. subquery unnesting, in/or transformation). Some transformations use rules while others are costed based upon statistics.
  5. Optimization – determines the optimal access path for the query to take. The Cost Based Optimizer (CBO) uses statistics to analyze the relative costs of accessing objects.
  6. Query Evaluation Plan(QEP) Generation
  7. QEP Execution

Steps [1]-[6] are sometimes grouped under the term ‘Parsing
Step  [7] is the Execution of the statement.

The explain plan is a representation of the access path produced in step 6



Perform the following to check it:



SELECT * FROM emp e, dept d

WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno
AND e.ename = 'SMITH';

Finally use the DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY function to display the execution plan:



| Id | Operation                     | Name    | Rows | Bytes | Cost |
| 0  | SELECT STATEMENT           |         | 1    | 57    | 3    |
| 1  | NESTED LOOPS                 |         | 1    | 57    | 3    |
|* 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL         | EMP     | 1    | 37    | 2    |
| 3  | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| DEPT    | 1    | 20    | 1    |
|* 4 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN         | PK_DEPT | 1    |       |      |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - filter("E"."ENAME"='SMITH')
4 - access("E"."DEPTNO"="D"."DEPTNO")

SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display('plan_table',null,'basic'));

Display execution plan for last SQL statements executed in session

SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null,null,'basic'));

How To Read Query Plans?


  The execution order in EXPLAIN PLAN output begins with the line that is the furthest indented to the right.The next step is the parent of that line.
If two lines are indented equally, then the top line is normally executed first.

| Id  | Operation                    | Name      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |           |     1 |    11 |    53   (2)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE              |           |     1 |    11 |            |          |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| SKEW      |    53 |   583 |    53   (2)| 00:00:01 |
|*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | SKEW_COL1 |    54 |       |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |

Interpreting Explain Plan


    SQL> set autotrace traceonly explain

    SQL> select * from emp;

    Execution Plan


   Plan hash value: 2872589290


 | Id  | Operation             | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |


|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |          |    14 |   532 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |

 |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP  |    14 |   532 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |


The steps in the explain plan are indented to indicate the hierarchy of operations

and which steps are dependent on which other steps.

Most indented is executed first.In this example this would be the operation with Id=1 (TABLE ACCESS FULL).


| Id  | Operation                 | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |


|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |      |    10 |    650 |     7  (15)    | 00:00:01 |

|*  1 |  HASH JOIN                         |      |    10 |   650 |     7  (15)     | 00:00:01 |

 |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| JOB  |     4 |   160 |     3   (0)   | 00:00:01 |

 |   3 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP  |    10 |   250 |     3   (0) | 00:00:01 |


   Full table scan operation on the job table will execute first

   order of operations is  2,3, 1.



   The DBMS_XPLAN package supplies four table functions:

    1)  DISPLAY: to format and display the contents of a PLAN_TABLE. Parameters:  table_name, sql_id, format, filter_preds

    2) DISPLAY_CURSOR: to format and display the contents of the execution plan of any loaded cursor available in V$SQL. Parameters:  sql_id, child_number, format

    3) DISPLAY_AWR: to format and display the contents of the execution plan of a stored SQL statement in the AWR in DBA_HIST_SQLPLAN. Parameters:  sql_id, plan_hash_value, db_id, format

    4) DISPLAY_SQLSET: to format and display the contents of the execution plan of statements stored in a SQL tuning set, used in conjunction with the package DBMS_SQLTUNE. Parameters:  sqlset_name, sql_id, plan_hash_value, format, sqlset_owner

  The DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY function can accept 3 parameters:
-    table_name - Name of plan table, default value 'PLAN_TABLE'.
-    statement_id - Statement id of the plan to be displayed, default value NULL.
-    format - Controls the level of detail displayed, default value 'TYPICAL'. Other values include 'BASIC', 'ALL', 'SERIAL'.

  The DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR takes 3 parameters
– SQL_ID (default last statement executed in this session),
– Child number (default 0),
– format (default 'TYPICAL')


Columns in the explain plan provide various pieces of useful information in determining why the plan was chosen:

Rows  It tells us the estimated number of rows that the optimizer expects this line of the execution plan to return

Bytes  It tells us the estimated number of bytes that the optimizer expects this line of the execution plan will return

 Time – It’s the optimizer’s estimation of the duration of each step of the query

Cost (%CPU) – The Oracle Optimizer is a cost-based optimizer. The execution plan selected for a SQL statement is just one of the many alternative execution plans considered by the Optimizer. The Optimizer selects the execution plan with the lowest cost, where cost represents the estimated resource usage for that plan. The lower the cost the more efficient the plan is expected to be. The optimizer’s cost model accounts for the IO, CPU, and network resources that will be used by the query

Cardinality : estimate of the number of rows coming out of each of the operation means distinct rows.

Access Method : The way in which data is being accessed, via either a table scan or index access

Joind Method : the Method (e.g hash,sort-merge etc) used to join tables with each other

Join Type : The type of join (eg, outer,semi etc)

Join order : The order in which table are joined each other


What are Oracle Access Paths or Methods?

Access Methods or Access Paths are the techniques used by Oracle to access the data needed to answer a query. Access Methods can be divided into two categories; data accessed via a table scan or index access. You can find the individual Access Methods chosen by the Optimizer in the Operations column of an Execution table.


How Many Access Paths are available to the Optimizer




Operations that Retrieve Rows (Access Paths)

  Full Table Scan -A full table scan reads all rows from a table, and then filters out those rows that do not meet the selection criteria (if there is one). Contrary to what one could think, full table scans are not necessarily a bad thing. There are situations where a full table scan would be more efficient than retrieving the data using an index.

  Table Access by Rowid-A rowid is an internal representation of the storage location of data. The rowid of a row specifies the data file and data block containing the row and the location of the row in that block. Locating a row by specifying its rowid is the fastest way to retrieve a single row because it specifies the exact location of the row in the database.
In most cases, the database accesses a table by rowid after a scan of one or more indexes.

  Index Unique Scan:An index unique scan returns at most 1 rowid, and thus, after an index unique scan you will typically see a table access by rowid (if the desired data is not available in the index). Index unique scans can be used when a query predicate references all of the columns of a unique index, by using the equality operator. 

  Index Range Scan -An index range scan is an ordered scan of values, and it is typically used when a query predicate references some of the leading columns of an index, or when for any reason more than one value can be retrieved by using an index key. These predicates can include equality and non-equality operators (=, <. >, etc).

  Index Full Scan:An index full scan reads the entire index in order, and can be used in several situations, including cases in which there is no predicate, but certain conditions would allow the index to be used to avoid a separate sorting operation.

  Index Fast Full Scan:An index fast full scan reads the index blocks in unsorted order, as they exist on disk. This method is used when all of the columns the query needs to retrieve are in the index, so the optimizer uses the index instead of the table.

  Index Join Scan:An index join scan is a hash join of multiple indexes that together return all columns requested by a query. The database does not need to access the table because all data is retrieved from the indexes.


What is an Oracle Join Method?

Join Methods are the techniques used by the Oracle Optimizer to join data coming from two data producing operators in an execution plan. You can find the individual Join Methods chosen by the Optimizer in the Operations column of an Execution table.







There is three join method

1) Nested Loops Join

Nested loops joins are useful when small subsets

of data are being joined and if there is an efficient way of accessing the second table (for example an index lookup)

For every row in the first table (the outer table), Oracle accesses all the rows in the second table (the inner table) looking for a match.

You can think of it as a set of embedded FOR loops.

NOTE: In Oracle Database 11g the internal implementation for nested loop joins changed to reduce overall latency for physical

You may see two NESTED LOOPS operators in the plan’s operations column, where you previously only saw one on earlier versions of Oracle.



2) Hash Joins

Hash joins are used for joining large data sets. The Optimizer uses the smaller of the two tables or data sources to build a hash table, based on the join key, in memory. It then scans the larger table and performs the same hashing algorithm on the join column(s). It then probes the previously built hash table for each value and if they match, it returns a row


3) Sort Merge Joins

Sort Merge joins are useful when the join condition between two tables is an in-equality condition such as, <, <=, >, or >=. Sort merge joins can perform better than nested loop joins for large data sets. The join consists of two steps:

  1. Sort join operation: Both the inputs are sorted on the join key.
  2. Merge join operation: The sorted lists are merged together.

A Sort Merge join is more likely to be chosen if there is an index on one of the tables that will eliminate one of the sorts.





Operations that Manipulate Data

The most common operations in this group are sorts and joins.
Sorts:A sort operation is performed when the rows coming out of the step need to be returned in some specific order. This can be necessary to comply with the order requested by the query, or to return the rows in the order in which the next operation needs them to work as expected, for example, when the next operation is a sort merge join.
Joins:When you run a query that includes more than one table in the FROM clause the database needs to perform a join operation, and the job of the optimizer is to determine the order in which the data sources should be joined, and the best join method to use in order to produce the desired results in the most efficient way possible.
Both of these decisions are made based on the available statistics.
Here is a small explanation for the different join methods the optimizer can decide to use:
Nested Loops Joins: When this method is used, for each row in the first data set that matches the single-table predicates, the database retrieves all rows in the second data set that satisfy the join predicate. As the name implies, this method works as if you had 2 nested for loops in a procedural programming language, in which for each iteration of the outer loop the inner loop is traversed to find the rows that satisfy the join condition.
As you can imagine, this join method is not very efficient on large data sets, unless the rows in the inner data set can be accessed efficiently (through an index).
In general, nested loops joins work best on small tables with indexes on the join conditions.



  Hash Joins:The database uses a hash join to join larger data sets. In summary, the optimizer creates a hash table (what is a hash table?) from one of the data sets (usually the smallest one) using the columns used in the join condition as the key, and then scans the other data set applying the same hash function to the columns in the join condition to see if it can find a matching row in the hash table built from the first data set.
You don’t really need to understand how a hash table works. In general, what you need to know is that this join method can be used when you have an equi-join, and that it can be very efficient when the smaller of the data sets can be put completely in memory.
On larger data sets, this join method can be much more efficient than a nested loop.

  Sort Merge Joins:A sort merge join is a variation of a nested loops join. The main difference is that this method requires the 2 data sources to be ordered first, but the algorithm to find the matching rows is more efficient.
This method is usually selected when joining large amounts of data when the join uses an inequality condition, or when a hash join would not be able to put the hash table for one of the data sets completely in memory.



  Plan Generation Method

There are two method



  2.1 Using function DISPLAY().

  2.2 Using function DISPLAY_CURSOR().


   We can fetch the execution plan from PLAN_TABLE by running a conventional SELECT statement with proper formatting which can look alike the output of DBMS_XPLAN package.

SQL> set lines 100


SQL> explain plan for

  select * from t1 where owner in(‘SYS’,’SYSTEM’,’DBSNMP’);


SQL> select rtrim(lpad(‘ ‘,2*LEVEL) || rtrim(operation) || ‘ ‘ || rtrim(options) || ‘ ‘ || object_name) EXECUTION_PLAN, cost, cardinality from plan_table connect by prior id=parent_id start with id=0;


EXECUTION_PLAN                                           COST CARDINALITY

————————————————–      ———- ———–

  SELECT STATEMENT                                         298       31225

    TABLE ACCESS FULL T1                                  298       31225



Alternate Approach

  Use this approach if you are unable to capture the plan using the preferred approach. This approach may be used to collect plans reliably from queries that don't have bind variables.

  a. Generate the execution plan:


< your query goes here >

b. Display the execution plan:

SQL> set lines 130

SQL> set head off

SQL> spool

SQL> select plan_table_output from table(dbms_xplan.display('PLAN_TABLE',null,'ALL'));

SQL> spool off



  Plan Generation Method

   Using function DISPLAY_CURSOR().To generate execution plan of a query using DISPLAY_CURSOR, you will require SQL ID and cursor child number of that query

SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(’54skb3zk6qux7′,0,’TYPICAL’));



SQL_ID  54skb3zk6qux7, child number 0


select * from t1 where owner in(‘SYS’,’SYSTEM’,’DBSNMP’)

Plan hash value: 3617692013


| Id  | Operation         | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |


|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |      |       |       |   298 (100)|          |

|*  1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL| T1   | 31225 |  2988K|   298   (1)| 00:00:04 |




Predicate Information (identified by operation id):


   1 – filter((“OWNER”=’DBSNMP’ OR “OWNER”=’SYS’ OR “OWNER”=’SYSTEM’))

18 rows selected.

              SQL> set linesize 150

              SQL> set pagesize 2000

SQL> select * from TABLE(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('&SQL_ID', &CHILD,'ALL'));

If the cursor happened to be executed when plan statistics were gathered, then use

"RUNSTATS_LAST" instead of just "ALL".sql_id:



using below query to see which all plan_hash_value are being used by my sql_id...

select ss.snap_id,
ss.instance_number node,
nvl(executions_delta,0) execs,
round((elapsed_time_delta/decode(nvl(executions_delta,0),0,1,executions_delta))/1000000,2) avg_etime,
round((buffer_gets_delta/decode(nvl(buffer_gets_delta,0),0,1,executions_delta)),2) avg_lio
where sql_id = 'xxxxxxxx'
and ss.snap_id = S.snap_id
and ss.instance_number = S.instance_number
and executions_delta > 0
order by 1 desc, 2, 3;


 How many Join Methods does the Optimizer have to choose from?

  Some Example with Explanation


  SET statement_id = 'ex_plan1' FOR

SELECT phone_number FROM employees WHERE phone_number LIKE '650%';


| Id  | Operation         | Name      |


|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |           |



This plan shows execution of a SELECT statement. The table employees is accessed using a full table scan.

  Every row in the table employees is accessed, and the WHERE clause criteria is evaluated for every row.

  The SELECT statement returns the rows meeting the WHERE clause criteria.


  Some Example with Explanation


  SET statement_id = 'ex_plan2' FOR

SELECT last_name FROM employees

 WHERE last_name LIKE 'Pe%';




| Id  | Operation        | Name        |


|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |             |



This plan shows execution of a SELECT statement.

  Index EMP_NAME_IX is used in a range scan operation to evaluate the WHERE clause criteria.

  The SELECT statement returns rows satisfying the WHERE clause conditions.


Explain Plan Limitations 

  The EXPLAIN PLAN statement provides a good faith estimate of the execution plan that Oracle would use. The real plan that gets used may differ from what EXPLAIN PLAN tells you for many reasons:

  Optimizer stats, cursor sharing,, bind variable peeking, dynamic instance parameters make plans less stable.

  EXPLAIN PLAN does not peek at bind variables.

  EXPLAIN PLAN does not check the library cache to see if the statement has already been parsed.

  EXPLAIN PLAN does not work for some queries:

  ORA-22905: cannot access rows from a non-nested table item


Viewing Actual Execution Plans

  The v$sql view shows statements in the library cache. Here you can find the address, hash value, and child number for a statement of interest.

  The v$sql_plan view shows the actual execution plan for each statement, given its address, hash value, and child number. The columns are similar to the plan table.

  The v$sql_plan_statistics view shows actual statistics (rows, buffer gets, elapsed time, etc.) for each operation of the execution plan.

  The v$sql_plan and v$sql_plan_statistics views are available starting in Oracle 9i. v$sql_plan_statistics is not populated by default.


SQL_TRACE and tkprof 

The Oracle server process managing a database session writes a verbose trace file when SQL trace is enabled for the session.

ALTER SESSION SET SQL_TRACE TRUE causes a trace of SQL execution to be generated.

TKPROF is a utility provided by Oracle that formats SQL trace files into very helpful and readable reports. TKPROF is installed automatically when the database server software is installed. You invoke TKPROF from the operating system command line; there is no graphical interface for TKPROF. Starting in Oracle 9i TKPROF can read extended SQL trace files and report on wait events statistics

Tkprof output contains breakdown of execution statistics, execution plan and rows returned for each step.  These stats are not available from any other source.

we will collect data to help verify whether the suspected query is the one that should be tuned. We should be prepared to identify the specific steps in
the application that cause the slow query to execute. We will trace the database session while the application executes this query


  The extended SQL trace (10046 trace at level 12) will capture execution statistics of all SQL statements issued by a session

  during the trace. It will show us how much time is being spent per statement, how much of the time was due to CPU or waitevents, and what the bind values were. We will be able to verify if the "candidate" SQL statement is truly among the SQL issued by a typical session.

Choose a session to trace

  Users that are experiencing the problem most severely; e.g., normally the transaction is complete in 1 sec, but now it takes 30 sec.

  Users that are aggressively accumulating time in the database


Trace a Connected Session 

Ideally, start the trace as soon as the user logs on and begins the operation or transaction. Continue tracing until the operation is finished.

Try to avoid starting or ending the trace in the middle of a call unless you know the call is not important to the solution

This is the most common way to get a trace file.

l   Start tracing on a connected session

l   Coordinate with the user to start the operation

l  Let the trace collect while the operation is in progress

l  Stop tracing when the operation is done

l  Gather the trace file from the "user_dump_dest" location (you can usually identify the file just by looking at the timestamp).

Generate a TKProf report and sort the SQL statements in order of most elapsed time using the following command:

l  tkprof <trace file name> <output file name> sort=fchela,exeela,prsela

Enabling SQL Trace 

  • At the instance level:

  sql_trace = true

  timed_statistics = true  (optional)

  •  In your own session:


  ALTER SESSION SET timed_statistics = TRUE; (optional)

  •  In another session:

  SYS.dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session (<SID>, <serial#>, TRUE)

  Finding the Trace File

  Look in the user dump destination. On OFA compliant systems this will be $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/udump

  Check timestamps and file contents to see which trace file is yours

  If non-DBAs need access to trace files, add _trace_files_public = true to the parameter file to avoid permissions problems on Unix platforms

  Use a dedicated server connection when tracing, if possible.

To Identify OS Process id

select p.PID,p.SPID,s.SID

 from v$process p,v$session s where s.paddr = p.addr and s.sid = &SESSION_ID

To indentify Oracle session ID from OS Process id

 select p.PID,p.SPID,s.SID,s.serial# from v$process p,v$session s

 where s.paddr = p.addr

 and p.SPID = 29179

SPID is the operating system Process identifier (os pid).PID is the Oracle Process identifier (ora pid) Once the OS process id for the process has been determined then the trace can be initialized as follows:

Lets assume that the process to be traced has an os pid of 9834.

Login to SQL*Plus as a dba and execute the following:

 connect / as sysdba

 oradebug setospid 9834

 oradebug unlimit

 oradebug event 10046 trace name context forever,level 12

 oradebug tracefile_name

Remember to replace the example '9834' value with the actual os pid.

Note that it is also possible to attach to a session via oradebug

using the 'setorapid'.

In this case the PID (Oracle Process identifier ) would be used

(rather than the 'SPID') and the oradebug text would change to:

connect / as sysdba

 oradebug setorapid 9834

 oradebug unlimit

 oradebug event 10046 trace name context forever,level 12

To identify trace location

select c.value || '/' || d.instance_name || '_ora_' || a.spid || '.trc' trace

from v$process a, v$session b, v$parameter c, v$instance d

where a.addr = b.paddr  and b.audsid = 4459 and = 'user_dump_dest'


Other method to trace







exec dbms_support.start_trace_in_session (4361,2072,binds=>true,waits=>true);

  exec dbms_support.stop_trace_in_session (4361,2072); Invoke TKPROF from the operating system prompt like this:

  tkprof <trace file> <output file> \

         [explain=<username/password>] \

         [sys=n] [sort=<keyword>]

  TKPROF Command-line Arguments

  tkprof <trace file> <output file> \

         [explain=<username/password>] \

         [sys=n] [sort=<keyword>]

  trace file             The SQL trace file to be formatted

  output file          The formatted output to be written by TKPROF

  explain=             Database login to be used if you want the output to                                       include execution plans

  sys=n                   Omit “recursive SQL” performed by the SYS user

  sort=                   List traced SQL statement in the output file in a specific order

exec dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session(2473,1,true);

EXEC DBMS_SYSTEM.set_sql_trace_in_session(sid=>123, serial#=>1234, sql_trace=>FALSE);

 tkprof rcc1_ora_3695308.trc rcc1_ora_3695308.prf SYS=NO SORT= EXECPU,FCHCPU


tkprof rcc2_ora_12.trc tkp_rcc2.txt waits=yes sys=no sort=exeela,fchela explain='system/'

tkprof user_sql_001.trc user1.prf explain=hr/hr table=hr.temp_plan_table_a sys=no



Formatting a Trace File with TKPROF


  Report heading

  TKPROF version, date run, sort option, trace file

  One entry for each distinct SQL statement in trace file

  Listing of SQL statement

  OCI call statistics: count of parse, execute, and fetch calls, rows processed, and time and I/O used

  Parse information: parsing user, recursive depth, library cache misses, and optimizer mode

  Row source operation listing

  Execution plan listing (optional)

  Wait event listing (optional)

  Report Summary

  OCI call statistics totals

  Counts of how many statements were found in the trace file, how many were distinct, and how many were explained in the report.

Tkprof output

  TKPROF: Release - Production on Wed Aug 9 19:06:36 2000

  (c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

  Trace file: example.trc

  Sort options: default


  count    = number of times OCI procedure was executed

  cpu      = cpu time in seconds executing

  elapsed  = elapsed time in seconds executing

  disk     = number of physical reads of buffers from disk

  query    = number of buffers gotten for consistent read

  current  = number of buffers gotten in current mode (usually for update)

  rows     = number of rows processed by the fetch or execute call


count2    cpu3  elapsed4   disk5   query6 current7    rows8

------ ------  ------ -------- ------- -------- --------  ------

Parsea                  1d    0.02     0.01       0        0        0       0

Executeb             1e    0.00     0.00       0        0        0       0

Fetchc                  20j  141.10   141.65    1237  1450011   386332      99i

------ ------  ------ -------- ------- -------- --------  ------

total      22  141.12   141.66    1237k 1450011f  386332g     99h


Rowsl    Execution Planm

-------  ---------------------------------------------------


     99   FILTER



  SELECT   table_name FROM     user_tables ORDER BY table_name

     call     count       cpu    elapsed      disk     query   current       rows

  ------- ------  -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------  ---------

  Parse        1      0.01       0.02         0           0         0          0

  Execute      1      0.00       0.00         0         0         0          0

  Fetch       14      0.59       0.99         0     33633         0        194

  ------- ------  -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------  ---------

  total       16      0.60       1.01         0     33633         0        194

  Misses in library cache during parse: 1

  Optimizer goal: CHOOSE

  Parsing user id: RSCHRAG  [recursive depth: 0]

  The application called on Oracle to parse this statement once while SQL trace was enabled.

  The parse took 0.01 CPU seconds, 0.02 elapsed seconds.

 No disk I/Os or buffer gets took place during the parse, suggesting that no misses in the dictionary cache.

  Oracle was called on to execute this statement once.

  The execution took under 0.01 CPU seconds.

  No disk I/Os or buffer gets took place during the execution. (Queries often defer the work to the fetch phase.)

  Oracle was called on 14 times to perform a fetch, and a total of 194 rows were returned.

  Fetching took 0.59 CPU seconds, 0.99 elapsed seconds.

  Fetching required 33,633 buffer gets in consistent mode, but no physical reads were required.

  The statement was not in the library cache (shared pool) when the parse call came in.

  The cost-based optimizer and a goal of “choose” were used to parse the statement.

  The RSCHRAG user was connected to the database when the parse occurred.

  This statement was executed directly by the application; it was not invoked recursively by the SYS user or a database trigger.

  Execution plans are only included in TKPROF reports if the explain= parameter is specified when TKPROF is invoked

  TKPROF will create and drop its own plan table if one does not already exist

  The row counts on each step are actuals—not estimates. This can be very helpful when troubleshooting queries that perform poorly.

  When TKPROF runs the EXPLAIN PLAN statement for a query, a different execution plan could be returned than was actually used in the traced session.

 TKPROF Reports: More Than Just Execution Plans

  Listing of SQL statements and library cache miss information helps you determine if applications are using Oracle’s shared SQL facility effectively.

  Parse, execute, and fetch call counts help you determine if applications are using Oracle APIs effectively.

  CPU and I/O statistics help you zero in on resource-intensive SQL statements.

  Row counts on individual steps of the execution plans help you rework inefficient execution plans.

3. Does the query spend most of its time in the execute/fetch phases (not parse phase)?

Rationale: If the query spends most its time parsing, normal query tuning techniques that alter the

execution plan to reduce logical I/O during execute or fetch calls probably won't help. The focus of

the tuning should be in reducing parse times; see the "Parse Reduction" strategy.


  For example, here is an excerpt from a TKProf for a query:

  SELECT * FROM ct_dn dn, ds_attrstore store . . .

              call      count      cpu      elapsed       disk             query              current rows

------- ------ -------- -------- ----- -------- -------- -------

              Parse      555  100.09   300.83     0    0              0         0

              Execute  555  0.42        0.78         0    0               0          0

              Fetch       555  14.04     85.03   513  1448514 0   11724

              ------- ------ -------- -------- ----- -------- -------- -------

              total      1665   114.55  386.65  513 1448514 0         11724

  The elapsed time spent parsing was 300.83 seconds compared to only 85.03 seconds for fetching.

  This query is having trouble parsing - tuning the query's execution plan to reduce the number of  buffers read during the fetch call will not give the greatest performance gain (in fact only about 85 out

  of 386 seconds could be improved in the fetch call).

  2. Does the time spent parsing, executing, and fetching account for most of the elapsed time in the trace.

  If so, continue to the next question.

  If not, check client waits ("SQLNet Message from Client") time between calls

  l Are the client waits occurring in between fetch calls for the same cursor ?

  m If so, update the problem statement to note this fact and continue with the next


  m If most of the time is spent waiting in between calls for different cursors, the

  bottleneck is in the client tier or network - SQL tuning may not improve the

  performance of the application.

  This is no longer a query tuning issue but requires analysis of the client or network.

  Detailed Explanation

  The goal of query tuning is to reduce the amount of time a query takes to parse, execute, and/or

  fetch data. If the trace file shows that these operations occur quickly relative to the total elapsed

  time, then we may actually need to tune the client or network.


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