Explain Business Benefits Involved In Cloud Architecture?
Answer :
The benefits involved in cloud architecture is:
- Zero infrastructure investment
- Just in time infrastructure
- More efficient resource utilization
Explain Different Components That Are Required In Cloud Computing Architecture?
Answer :
- Cloud Ingress
- Processor Speed
- Cloud storage services
- Cloud provided services
- Intra-cloud communications
What Are The Different Phases Involved In Cloud Computing Architecture?
Answer :
- Launch Phase
- Monitor Phase
- Shutdown Phase
- Cleanup Phase
What Is Zero Client?
Answer :
The zero or ultra-thin client initializes the network to gather required configuration files that then tell it where its OS binaries are stored. The entire zero client device runs via the network. This creates a single point of failure, in that, if the network goes down, the device is rendered useless.
What Is Iaas In Cloud Computing Architecture?
Answer :
Infrastructure as a service is taking the physical hardware and going completely virtual (e.g. all servers, networks, storage, and system management all existing in the cloud). This is the equivalent to infrastructure and hardware in the traditional (non-cloud computing) method running in the cloud. In other words, businesses pay a fee (monthly or annually) to run virtual servers, networks, storage from the cloud. This will mitigate the need for a data center, heating, cooling, and maintaining hardware at the local level.
What Is Paas In Cloud Computing Architecture?
Answer :
Platform as a service is cloud computing service which provides the users with application platforms and databases as a service. This is equivalent to middle-ware in the traditional (non-cloud computing) delivery of application platforms and databases.
What Is Daas In Cloud Computing Architecture?
Answer :
Development as a service is web based, community shared development tools. This is the equivalent to locally installed development tools in the traditional (non-cloud computing) delivery of development tools.
What Is Saas In Cloud Computing Architecture?
Answer :
The software-as-a-service (SaaS) service-model involves the cloud provider installing and maintaining software in the cloud and users running the software from their cloud clients over the Internet (or Intranet). The users' client machines require no installation of any application-specific software - cloud applications run on the server (in the cloud). SaaS is scalable, and system administration may load the applications on several servers. In the past, each customer would purchase and load their own copy of the application to each of their own servers, but with the SaaS the customer can access the application without installing the software locally. SaaS typically involves a monthly or annual fee.
What Are The Building Blocks In Cloud Computing Architecture?
Answer :
- Reference architecture
- Technical architecture
- Deployment operation architecture
What Is Cloud Computing Architecture?
Answer :
Cloud computing architecture refers to the components and sub components required for cloud computing. These components typically consist of a front end platform (fat client, thin client, mobile device), back end platforms (servers, storage), a cloud based delivery, and a network (Internet, Intranet, Inter-cloud). Combined, these components make up cloud computing architecture.
What Is Hypervisor In Cloud Computing And Their Types?
Answer :
Hypervisor is a Virtual Machine Monitor which manages resources for virtual machines.
There are mainly two types of hypervisors:
- The guest Vm runs directly over the host hardware, eg Xen, VmWare ESXI
- The guest Vm runs over hardware through a host OS, eg Kvm, oracle virtualbox.
What Ways Cloud Architecture Provide Automation And Performance Transparency?
Answer :
To provide the performance transparency and automation there are many tools used by cloud architecture. It allows to manage the cloud architecture and monitor reports. It also allows them to share the application using the cloud architecture. Automation is the key component of cloud architecture which helps to improve the degree of quality.
Explain What Are The Characteristics Of Cloud Architecture That Separates It From Traditional One?
Answer :
The characteristics that makes cloud architecture above traditional architecture is:
- According to the demand cloud architecture provides the hardware requirement
- Cloud architecture is capable of scaling the resource on demand
- Cloud architecture is capable of managing and handling dynamic workloads without failure.
What Are The Different Cloud Service Models In Cloud Architecture?
Answer :
There are 4 types of cloud service models available in cloud architecture:
1. Infrastructure as a service:
It provides the consumer with hardware, storage, network and other resources on rent. Through this consumer can deploy and run software using dedicated software. This includes the operating system and the applications that are associated with it.
2. Platform as a service: it provides the user to deploy their software and application on the cloud infrastructure using the tools that are available with the operating system.
3. Software as a service: it provides the users the ability to run its application on the cloud infrastructure and can access it from any client device using any interface like web browser.
4. Business Process as a service: it provides any business process that is delivered through cloud service model using the internet and accesses the resources through the web portal.
Explain What Is The Relationship Between Soa And Cloud Architecture?
Answer :
Service oriented architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that supports service oriented methodology that is being added in the cloud architecture as a mandatory component. Cloud architecture support the use of on-demand access to resources and it provides lots of other facilities that are being found in SOA as well. SOA makes these requirements optional to use. But, to get the full functionality and more performance based efficiency there is a requirement for the mixture of SOA and cloud architecture.
Tell Me What Are The Different Phases Involves In Cloud Architecture?
Answer :
There are four phases that basically gets involved in the cloud architecture:
1. Launch phase: it launches the basic services and makes the system ready for communication and for application building
2. Monitor phase: it monitors the services that is being launched and then manages them so that on demand the user will be able to get what he wants.
3. Shutdown phase: it shutdown the services that are not required first and after all the services gets shutdown, and then it closes the system services.
4. Cleanup phase: it clean up the left out processes and services that is being either broken or didn't get shutdown correctly.
Tell Me What Are The Different Components Required By Cloud Architecture?
Answer :
There are 5 major components of cloud architecture.
1. Cloud Ingress: provides a mean to communicate with the outside world.
This can be done with the help of communication methods such as:
- Queue based communications
- HTTP communications
- Service Bus
3. Cloud storage services: cloud services provide means to store data to user's applications. It is used to provide services for different types of storages like: table data, files.
4. Cloud provided services:
Additional services are provided by the cloud, like data services, payment processing services, and search or web functionality services.
5. Intra-Cloud communications: it provides a way to communicate with other systems that are using cloud architecture. Providers usually provide services so that one user can communicate easily with another user by being on cloud.
Explain What Are The Examples Of Cloud Architectures On Which Application Can Run?
Answer :
There are lot of examples that uses cloud architecture for their applications like:
1. Processing Pipelines: uses like document processing pipelines that convert documents of any form into raw searchable text.
- Image processing pipelines – create thumbnails or low resolution image
- Video transcoding pipelines – convert video from one form to another online
- Indexing – create an index of web crawl data
- Data mining – perform search over millions of records
- Systems that uses log management or generate reports.
- Automated Unit Testing and Deployment Testing
- Instant Websites – websites for conferences or events
- Promotion websites
Explain Business Process As A Service?
Answer :
it provides any business process that is delivered through cloud service model using the internet and accesses the resources through the web portal.
Explain Software As A Service?
Answer :
it provides the users the ability to run its application on the cloud infrastructure and can access it from any client device using any interface like web browser.
Explain Platform As A Service?
Answer :it provides the user to deploy their software and application on the cloud infrastructure using the tools that are available with the operating system. -
Explain Infrastructure As A Service?
Answer :It provides the consumer with hardware, storage, network and other resources on rent. Through this consumer can deploy and run software using dedicated software. This includes the operating system and the applications that are associated with it. -
Explain What Are The Major Building Blocks Of Cloud Architecture?
Answer :The major building blocks of cloud architecture are:
- Reference architecture: it is used for documentation, communication, designing and defining various types of models
- Technical Architecture: defines the structured stack, structure the cloud services and its components, show the relationship that exist between different components, management and security
- Deployment Operation Architecture: it is used to operate and monitor the processes and the services.
Tell Me What Are The Different Roles Defined By Cloud Architecture?
Answer :Cloud architecture defines three roles:
Cloud service consumer: it is used to provide different services to the consumer on demand.
Cloud service provider: here provider provides the services to meet the requirements of the user by monitoring the traffic and demands that are coming.
Cloud service Creator: here creator is used to create the services and provide the infrastructure to the user to use and give the access to the resources.
The roles that are being defined can be performed by one person or it can be performed by many people together. There can be more roles defined depending on the cloud architecture and the complexity with which it will scale. -
Explain How Does The Quality Of Service Is Being Maintained In The Cloud Architecture?
Answer :Cloud architecture mainly focuses on quality of service. It is a layer that manages and secures the transmission of the resources that is being acquired by on-demand access. Quality of service is being maintained such that it increases the performance, automated management, and support services. Cloud architecture provides easy to use methods and proper ways to ensure the quality of service. It is represented by a common cloud management platform that delivers many cloud services based on the same foundation. -
What Is The Business Benefits Involved In Cloud Architecture?
Answer :1. Zero infrastructure investment:
Cloud architecture provide user to build large scale system with full hardware, machines, routers, backup and other components. So, it reduces the startup cost of the business.
2. Just-in-time Infrastructure: It is very important to scale the infrastructure as the demand rises. This can be done by taking cloud architecture and developing the application in the cloud with dynamic capacity management.
3. More efficient resource utilization: Cloud architecture provides users to use their hardware and resource more efficiently and utilize it in a better way. This can be done only by applications request and relinquish resources only when it is needed (on-demand). -
What Are The Advantages Of Cloud Architecture?
Answer :
- Cloud architecture uses simple APIs to provide easily accessible services to the user through the internet medium.
- It provides scale on demand feature to increase the industrial strength.
- It provides the transparency between the machines so that users don't have to worry about their data. Users can just perform the functionality without even knowing the complex logics implemented in cloud architecture.
- It provides highest optimization and utilization in the cloud platform.
What Are The Three Differences That Separate Out Cloud Architecture From The Tradition One?
Answer :The three differences that make cloud architecture in demand are:
- Cloud architecture provides the hardware requirement according to the demand. It can run the processes when there is a requirement for it.
- Cloud architecture is capable of scaling the resources on demand. As, the demand rises it can provide infrastructure and the services to the users.
- Cloud architecture can manage and handle dynamic workloads without failure. It can recover a machine from failure and always keep the load to a particular machine to minimum.
Tell Me How Does Cloud Architecture Overcome The Difficulties Faced By Traditional Architecture?
Answer :Cloud architecture provide large pool of dynamic resources that can be accessed any time whenever there is a requirement, which is not being given by the traditional architecture. In traditional architecture it is not possible to dynamically associate a machine with the rising demand of infrastructure and the services. Cloud architecture provides scalable properties to meet the high demand of infrastructure and provide on-demand access to the user. -
Explain What Is The Use Of Defining Cloud Architecture?
Answer :Cloud architecture is a software application that uses on demand services and access pool of resources from the cloud. Cloud architecture act as a platform on which the applications are built. It provides the complete computing infrastructure and provides the resources only when it is required. It is used to elastically scale up or down the resources according to the job that is being performed. -
Tell Me How Does Cloud Architecture Provide Performance Transparency And Automation?
Answer :There are lots of tools that are being used by the cloud architecture to provide the performance transparency and automation. The tools allow the user to monitor report and manage the cloud architecture.
It also allows them to share the applications using the cloud architecture. Automation is the key component of cloud architecture as it provides the services to increase the degree of the quality. It brings the capacity on demand and allows the requirements of the user to be met. -
Can You Please Explain The Difference Between Vertical Scale Up And Horizontal Scale Out?
Answer :Vertical scale up provides more resources to a single computational unit, whereas horizontal scale out provides additional computational unit and run them in parallel.
Vertical scale up provides a provision to move a workload to other system that doesn't have workload, whereas horizontal scale out split the workload among various computational units.
Vertical scale up doesn't have a database partitioning concept, whereas horizontal scale out provides the database partitioning.
Top 10 Interview Questions for IBM Bluemix
by Bhavya Sri
1.what is Bluemix?
Lets go by the definition mentioned in the documentation itself.“IBM® Bluemix™ is an open-standards, cloud-based platform for building, managing, and running apps of all types, such as web, mobile, big data, and smart devices. Capabilities include Java, mobile back-end development, and application monitoring, as well as features from ecosystem partners and open source—all provided as-a-service in the cloud. “Bluemix is a platform as a service (PaaS) offering based on the Cloud Foundry open source project that promises to deliver enterprise-level features and services that are easy to integrate into cloud applications. Since it is based upon Cloud Foundry (open source platform as a service) so you can tap into the growing ecosystem of frameworks and services.2. Why did you choose to be a developer?Guess it is in my genes (laughs). I mean, being a business analyst was a foolish move I once made. Plus, being a developer makes me feel like a film director. The product I develop is my movie and I give it my personal touch. I don’t think any other role would have given me as much happiness as being a developer does. Also, it gives me awesome money (winks).3. What made you choose Bluemix?Somewhere in the second quarter of the year, Social media was raining Bluemix. It quickly caught my attention and I started exploring it. Once logged in, I was thoroughly impressed to see the way things were organized in the dashboard and with each click grew my curiosity to learn more!I clicked the catalog and wow! It had a set of boiler plates that helps one get started in no time. After having played with a couple of boiler plate apps, I started exploring the various services provided by Bluemix. RapidApps grabbed my attention. With RapidApps on Bluemix, I was ready with my first App deployed and running in less than 15 mins! It was unbelievable! I was so excited with the ease of its usage that I started publishing tutorials.4. We have heard a lot about the ease of using Bluemix. Tell us your experience as a Bluemix user.The Could Foundary command line tool along with Bluemix dashboard makes a great combination for developers to quickly develop and deploy their application onto Bluemix. Bluemix dashboard has everything to maintain and manage the application that is deployed. Right from managing the application’s memory requirements to managing the services used by the app. With Bluemix everything is available at your fingertips.5. Which is your favorite Bluemix service and why?Other than RapidApps which gives you a quick start with Bluemix, I am inclined towards Watson Q&A. Cognitive systems are fast shaping up and are sure to change the way people interact with systems. This service from Watson is the right starting point towards cognitive systems of the future.6. What are your views about Bluemix, especially from an India Perspective?According to the leading survey agencies (including Gartner’s), IT infrastructure and operation cost can be reduced by as much as 25% by following a set of guidelines that includes virtualization, reduced IT support, reduction of power and cooling needs and more. Mitigating the risk of IT investment is achieved by provisioning of technologies as flexible contracts rather than capital investments. Cloud (either private or public) is the best way to get a contracted operating environment where the underlying infrastructure complexities are hidden. And the operating environment can scale up on-demand. It changes the essence of how business was done and is the root for growth of innovation in any company!In the perspective of a growing nation like India, the new “trend” of cloud applies the most due to the increasing interest in online shopping. Consider a startup wishing to set up an online shopping application that does not have to be concerned about IT infrastructure and support. They would want their application to be accessible from multiple devices; their operating environment be scaled up during sales and festivals; minimal time to production and, under worst case scenario where they want to scrap the business and start something new. Providing an IBM Cloud (SAAS) such as Bluemix is like a genie that makes every wish of theirs come alive!With IBM Bluemix Could platform, one can rapidly provision, deploy, monitor and scale dev/test or, production environments for traditional and modern workloads at the price of public cloud and isolation of a private cloud.7. What advantages does a developer gain by using IBM’s cloud computing platform as opposed to other options available?Rather than speaking about the drawbacks of other Cloud platforms, let me speak about the advantages of selecting Bluemix, the IBM Cloud platform.• First and foremost, IBM Cloud uses Open Standards like Cloud Foundry, TOSKA, OSLC etc. Open standards are the one where the specifications are made public. The advantages of Open standards include application independence, platform independence, long-term access, architectural integrity, interoperability, vendor neutrality, flexibility among others.• A continuous delivery platform in the form of DevOps considerably reduces the downtime of redeploying an application. Developers can concentrate on coding and the rest is mostly taken care of.• With automatic workload redeployment to other underlying virtual machines, Bluemix ensures continuous availability of Applications and that too transparently. User can start/stop application and define the memory for each application while the rest is taken care by Bluemix.• With the freedom to use tools like Cloud Foundary command line (CF), Eclipse and Web IDE (provided by Bluemix), developers can choose which works best for them• Services provided by other companies can be integrated into applications running on Bluemix thereby making them both providers and users of services• Integration to well-known source control systems like Git, GitHub and Jazz makes it easier to manage and maintain source code.8. How sound a coding knowledge does a developer need when using Bluemix?Bluemix is not a substitute to programming. But bluemix does provide a platform for coders’ that makes life easier and creating and, deploying apps a child’s play with its intuitive user interface and services that can be integrated into the App without additional burden.9. How has the 30 day free Bluemix trial offer benefited you?It has left me wanting for more but yes, it was beneficial. It helped me get my hands on the latest technologies which otherwise would have taken months together to get the basic setup working at zero cost.10. How can people learn more about Bluemix?The best way to learn more about Bluemix is by creating an account on Bluemix and getting your hands dirty. Doesn’t matter whether you succeed or, not in your first attempt! As a registered Bluemix user one can browse the catalog and deploy a couple of boiler plate applications. These boiler plates are working apps that can be enhanced. Once you get the hang of it, the curiosity to learn more will help you explore more services and tools. Like a pack of potato chips, Bluemix is an addictive environment and once you get your hands to it, don’t worry about finishing the pack… it is taken care of.
11. How good a resource is IBM Developer Works for learning about Bluemix?Most of the articles and tutorials on IBM Developer works are written by experts in those specific fields. Authentic; easy to use and understand; code samples that get you started with your pilots in no time; Q&A forums – these are highlights of IBM developer works. Has a set of dedicated pages for Bluemix which can be explored for learning and using Bluemix.12. What according to you is the top Bluemix tutorial available on developerWorks?Ranjeet, a System Engineer by designation is a passionate coder and loves blogging on the latest codes he is working.
Top 40 Cloud Computing Interview Questions & Answers
The advantages of using cloud computing are
a) Data backup and storage of data
b) Powerful server capabilities
c) SaaS ( Software as a service)
d) Information technology sandboxing capabilities
e) Increase in productivity
f) Cost effective & Time saving
2) Mention platforms which are used for large scale cloud computing?
The platforms that are used for large scale cloud computing are
a) Apache Hadoop
b) MapReduce
3) Explain different models for deployment in cloud computing?
The different deployment models in cloud computing are
a) Private Cloud
b) Public Cloud
c) Community Cloud
d) Hybrid Cloud
4) What is the difference in cloud computing and computing for mobiles?
Mobile computing uses the same concept as cloud computing. Cloud computing becomes active with the data with the help of internet rather than individual device. It provides users with the data which they have to retrieve on demand. In mobile, the applications runs on the remote server and gives user the access for storage and manage.
5) How user can gain from utility computing?
Utility computing allows the user to pay only for what they are using. It is a plug-in managed by an organization which decides what type of services has to be deployed from the cloud.
Most organizations prefer hybrid strategy.
6) For a transport in cloud how you can secure your data?
To secure your data while transporting them from one place to another, check that there is no leak with the encryption key implemented with the data you are sending.
7) What are the security aspects provided with cloud?
a) Identity management: It authorizes the application services
b) Access control: permission has to be provided to the users so that they can control the access of another user who is entering into the cloud environment.
c) Authentication and Authorization: Allows only the authorized and authenticated user only to access the data and applications
8) List out different layers which define cloud architecture?
The different layers used by cloud architecture are
a) CLC or Cloud Controller
b) Walrus
c) Cluster Controller
d) SC or Storage Controller
e) NC or Node Controller
9) What are system integrators in Cloud Computing?
In Cloud Computing, systems integrator provides the strategy of the complicated process used to design a cloud platform. Integrator allows to create more accurate hybrid and private cloud network, as integrators have all the knowledge about the data center creation.
10) What is “ EUCALYPTUS” stands for?
“ EUCALYPTUS” stands for Elastic Utility Computing Architecture For Linking Your Programs To Useful Systems”
11) Explain what is the use of “EUCALYPTUS” in cloud computing?
“Eucalyptus” is an open source software infrastructure in cloud computing, which is used to implement clusters in cloud computing platform. It is used to build public, hybrid and private clouds. It has the ability to produce your own data center into a private cloud and allows you to use its functionality to many other organizations.
12) What is the requirement of virtualization platform in implementing cloud?
The requirement of virtualization platform in implementing cloud is to
a) Manage the service level policies
b) Cloud Operating System
c) Virtualization platforms helps to keep the backend level and user level concepts different from each other
13) Before going for cloud computing platform what are the essential things to be taken in concern by users?
a) Compliance
b) Loss of data
c) Data storage
d) Business continuity
e) Uptime
f) Data integrity in cloud computing
14) Mention some open source cloud computing platform databases?
The open source cloud computing platform databases are
a) MongoDB
b) CouchDB
c) LucidDB
15) What are the security laws which are implemented to secure data in a cloud ?
The security laws which are implemented to secure data in cloud are
a) Processing: Control the data that is being processed correctly and completely in an application
b) File: It manages and control the data being manipulated in any of the file
c) Output reconciliation: It controls the data which has to be reconciled from input to output
d) Input Validation: Control the input data
e) Security and Backup: It provides security and backup it also controls the security breaches logs
16) Mention the name of some large cloud providers and databases?
a) Google bigtable
b) Amazon simpleDB
c) Cloud based SQL
17) Explain the difference between cloud and traditional datacenters?
a) The cost of the traditional data center is higher due to heating and hardware/software issues
b) Cloud gets scaled when the demand increases. Majority of the expenses are spent on the maintenance of the data centers, while that is not the case with cloud computing
18) Explain what are the different modes of software as a service (SaaS)?
a) Simple multi-tenancy : In this each user has independent resources and are different from other users, it is an efficient mode.
b) Fine grain multi-tenancy: In this type, the resources can be shared by many but the functionality remains the same.
19) What is the use of API’s in cloud services?
API’s ( Application Programming Interface) is very useful in cloud platforms
a) It eliminates the need to write the fully fledged programs
b) It provides the instructions to make communication between one or more applications
c) It allows easy creation of applications and link the cloud services with other systems
20) What are the different data centers deployed for cloud computing?
Cloud computing consists of different datacenters like
a) Containerized Datacenters
b) Low Density Datacenters
21) In cloud computing what are the different layers?
The different layers of cloud computing are:
a) SaaS: Software as a Service (SaaS), it provides users access directly to the cloud application without installing anything on the system.
b) IaaS: Infrastructure as a service, it provides the infrastructure in terms of hardware like memory, processor speed etc.
c) PaaS: Platform as a service, it provides cloud application platform for the developers
22) How important is the platform as a service?
Platform as a service or PAAS is an important layer in cloud computing. It provides application platform for providers. It is responsible for providing complete virtualization of the infrastructure layer and makes it work like a single server.
23) What is a cloud service?
Cloud service is used to build cloud applications using the server in a network through internet. It provides the facility of using the cloud application without installing it on the computer. It also reduces the maintenance and support of the application which are developed using cloud service.
24) List down the three basic clouds in cloud computing?
a) Professional cloud
b) Personal cloud
c) Performance cloud
25) As a infrastructure as a service what are the resources that are provided by it?
IAAS ( Infrastructure As A Service) provides virtual and physical resources that are used to build a cloud. It deals with the complexities of deploying and maintaining of the services provided by this layer. Here the infrastructure is the servers, storage and other hardware systems.
26) What are the business benefits involved in cloud architecture?
The benefits involved in cloud architecture is
a) Zero infrastructure investment
b) Just in time infrastructure
c) More efficient resource utilization
27) What are the characteristics of cloud architecture that separates it from traditional one?
The characteristics that makes cloud architecture above traditional architecture is
a) According to the demand cloud architecture provides the hardware requirement
b) Cloud architecture is capable of scaling the resource on demand
c) Cloud architecture is capable of managing and handling dynamic workloads without failure
28) Mention what is the difference between elasticity and scalability in cloud computing?
Scalability is a characteristics of cloud computing through which increasing workload can be handled by increasing in proportion the amount of resource capacity. Whereas, elasticity, is being one of the characteristics that highlights the concept of commissioning and decommissioning of a large amount of resource capacity.
29) Mention the services that are provided by Window Azure Operating System?
Window Azure provides three core services which are given as
a) Compute
b) Storage
c) Management
30) In cloud architecture what are the different components that are required?
a) Cloud Ingress
b) Processor Speed
c) Cloud storage services
d) Cloud provided services
e) Intra-cloud communications
31) In cloud architecture what are the different phases involved?
a) Launch Phase
b) Monitor Phase
c) Shutdown Phase
d) Cleanup Phase
32) List down the basic characteristics of cloud computing?
a) Elasticity and Scalability
b) Self-service provisioning and automatic de-provisioning
c) Standardized interfaces
d) Billing self service based usage model
33) In cloud architecture what are the building blocks?
a) Reference architecture
b) Technical architecture
c) Deployment operation architecture
34) Mention in what ways cloud architecture provide automation and performance transparency?
To provide the performance transparency and automation there are many tools used by cloud architecture. It allows to manage the cloud architecture and monitor reports. It also allows them to share the application using the cloud architecture. Automation is the key component of cloud architecture which helps to improve the degree of quality.
35) In cloud computing explain the role of performance cloud?
Performance cloud is useful in transferring maximum amount of data instantly. It is used by the professionals who work on high performance computing research.
36) Explain hybrid and community cloud?
Hybrid cloud: It consists of multiple service providers. It is a combination of public and private cloud features. It is used by the company when they require both private and public clouds both.
Community Cloud: This model is quite expensive and is used when the organizations having common goals and requirements, and are ready to share the benefits of the cloud service.
37) In cloud what are the optimizing strategies?
To overcome the maintenance cost and to optimize the resources ,there is a concept of three data center in cloud which provides recovery and back-up in case of disaster or system failure and keeps all the data safe and intact.
38) What is Amazon SQS?
To communicate between different connectors Amazon SQS message is used, between various components of AMAZON, it acts as a communicator.
39) How buffer is used to Amazon web services?
In order to make system more efficient against the burst of traffic or load, buffer is used. It synchronizes different component . The component always receives and processes the request in an unbalanced way. The balance between different components are managed by buffer, and makes them work at the same speed to provide faster services.
40) Mention what is Hypervisor in cloud computing and their types?
Hypervisor is a Virtual Machine Monitor which manages resources for virtual machines. There are mainly two types of hypervisors
Type 1: The guest Vm runs directly over the host hardware, eg Xen, VmWare ESXI
Type 2: The guest Vm runs over hardware through a host OS, eg Kvm, oracle virtualbox
Refer our Cloud Computing Tutorials for an extra edge in your interview.
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Friday, 16 February 2018
IBM Cloud Computing Infrastructure Architect V1 Interview Questions & Answers
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