Friday, 30 June 2023

Data Migration from On Storage Server to another Storage Server

Migrate ASM diskgroups from one SAN to another SAN without a downtime.

Summary : We have RAC Database with 2 node   

Exact Steps To Migrate ASM Diskgroups To Another SAN/Disk-Array/DAS/etc Without Downtime. (Doc ID 837308.1)

We can use two method to Migrate data from On Storage Server to another Storage Server

A) Storage Method

1. Put the databases in BEGIN BCKUP mode.

2. Create a replication pair between the source and target ASM storage lun.

3. Once 100% sync completed, shutdown the database and application and host servers.

4. Split the pair and remove the source lun and map the target lun with the current hosts.

5. Bring up the host servers, grid and start the databases.

6. Perform the sanity check and disable the begin backup mode.

B) Oracle ASM Method

ORACLE ASM Method(if database size is approx 100 TB)


1) Backup all your databases and valid the backup (always required to protect your data).

2) Add the new path (new disks from the new storage) to your asm_disktring to be recognized by ASM:

show parameter asm_disktring;

SQL> alter system set asm_disktring = '/dev/rhdisk*' , '/dev/rhdisknew*';

Where: '/dev/rhdisk*' are the current disks.

Where: '/dev/rhdisknew*' are the new disks.

3) Confirm that the new disks are being detected by ASM:

SQL> select path from v$asm_disk;

         select * from V$ASM_CLIENT;

4) Storage Team will create Lun on New Storage Server and will share wwn of new lun to Unix Team 

5) Unix Team will create New ASM disk as per naming and size requirement

6) Oracle Team will verify those newly created ASM disk are visible on both node and path of new disks are correct

7) confirm the disk are visible (I/O) at OS level (as oracle or grid OS user) from each node

8) verify that KFED can read on the candidate disks at OS level  (as oracle or grid OS user) from each node

9) Add Ist batch of 8 ASM disk to disk group EASY_DB_FRA & EASY_DB_DATA1 and rebalance using 4

SQL> alter diskgroup <diskgroup name> add disk

‘<new disk 1>’,

‘<new disk 2>’,

‘<new disk 3>’,

‘<new disk 4>’,




‘<new disk N>’ rebalance power <#>;

10) Monitor the database of any I/O latency till the rebalance complete ,reduce power limit if any latency observed

select * from v$asm_operation;

11) remove the first batch of 8 OLD ASM data disk from  EASY_DB_FRA & EASY_DB_DATA1 diskgroup

SQL> alter diskgroup <diskgroup name> drop disk

<disk name A>,

<disk name B>,

<disk name D>,

<disk name E>,




<disk name X>  rebalance power <#>;

12) Monitor the database of any I/O latency till the rebalance complete ,reduce power limit if any letency 

13) Oracle DBA should confirm that none of old ASM disk in ASM and share list of removed disks to Unix team

14) Unix Team will remove the ASM DISK as per shared list by DBA from Database Server

Repeat same step from 1 to 11 for next batch of 8 disks (EASY_DB_DATA1) 

1) create a new diskgroup for redo(NEW_REDO_01 and NEW_REDO_02)

2) Add new redo members to each thread in new diskgroup

3) delete member from old diskgroups((NEW_REDO_01 and NEW_REDO_02)

Activities to be performed with Downtime

1) create a New Diskgroup for OCR And VOTE disk (NEW_OCRDATA)

2) shutdown cluster and start it in exclusive mode 

3) move OCR and Vote disk to New Disk group

4) shutdown clusterware and start 

ASM Disk Migration to Different Storage

This is a zero-downtime activity.

Below are the 3 disks allocated on both RAC nodes which are further allocated to CRS, DATA and FRA diskgroups

Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System


/dev/sdb1               1         915     7349706   83  Linux

/dev/sdb2             916        1830     7349737+  83  Linux

/dev/sdb3            1831        2610     6265350   83  Linux

Below are the diskgroup details


---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------

CRS        CRS_0000           7177        396       6781 /dev/oracleasm/disks/CRS1      MEMBER

DATA       DATA_0000          7177       2009       5168 /dev/oracleasm/disks/DATA1     MEMBER

FRA        FRA_0000           6118        366       5752 /dev/oracleasm/disks/FRA1      MEMBER

We are going to replace the DATA1 disk under DATA diskgroup with DATA2 disk. This new disk we have allocated via a new storage. Let us first create the ASM disk

[root@oraracn1 ~]# oracleasm createdisk DATA2 /dev/sdc1

Writing disk header: done

Instantiating disk: done

Connect to ASM via sqlplus and add the new diskstring. In our example, the new disk location is same as old disks, so no need to add. In case you have different disk path, add it to ASM_DISKSTRING parameter. Keep both old and new paths.

sqlplus / as sysasm

SQL> alter system set asm_disktring = '/dev/oracleasm/disks/*' , '/dev/new_loc/*';

SQL> select path from v$asm_disk;

Check the ASM disks details via below query. The new disk status must be PROVISIONED

set pages 40000 lines 120

col PATH for a30




----------- ------- ------------ ------- -------- ------------------------------

          0 CLOSED  PROVISIONED  ONLINE  NORMAL   /dev/oracleasm/disks/DATA2

          0 CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   /dev/oracleasm/disks/FRA1

          0 CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   /dev/oracleasm/disks/DATA1

          0 CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   /dev/oracleasm/disks/CRS1

We will now add DATA2 to DATA diskgroup and later remove DATA1 disk

SQL> alter diskgroup DATA add disk '/dev/oracleasm/disks/DATA2';


SQL> alter diskgroup DATA add disk '/dev/oracleasm/disks/DATA2' rebalance power 20;

Diskgroup altered.

Wait for re-balance operation to complete

SQL> Select operation, state, est_work, est_minutes from v$asm_operation; 


----- ---- ---------- -----------

REBAL RUN        1175           0

Once re-balance operation is completed, check the disk details

set lines 999;

col diskgroup for a10

col diskname for a12

col path for a30

select DiskGroup, DiskName, b.total_mb, (b.total_mb-b.free_mb) Used_MB, b.free_mb,b.path, 


from v$asm_disk b, v$asm_diskgroup a 

where a.group_number (+) =b.group_number 

order by b.group_number,;


---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------

CRS        CRS_0000           7177        396       6781 /dev/oracleasm/disks/CRS1      MEMBER

DATA       DATA_0000          7177        838       6339 /dev/oracleasm/disks/DATA1     MEMBER

DATA       DATA_0001         10236       1183       9053 /dev/oracleasm/disks/DATA2     MEMBER

FRA        FRA_0000           6118        366       5752 /dev/oracleasm/disks/FRA1      MEMBER

Observe that both DATA1 and DATA2 are now part of DATA diskgroup. Now we can remove the old disk DATA1 from the diskgroup

SQL> alter diskgroup DATA drop disk 'DATA_0000'; 

Diskgroup altered.

Wait for re-balance operation to complete

SQL> Select operation, state, est_work, est_minutes from v$asm_operation; 


----- ---- ---------- -----------

REBAL RUN         836           0

Once re-balance operation is completed, check the disk details via below query and you must see DATA1 disk marked as FORMER

set lines 999;

col diskgroup for a10

col diskname for a12

col path for a30

select DiskGroup, DiskName, b.total_mb, (b.total_mb-b.free_mb) Used_MB, b.free_mb,b.path, 


from v$asm_disk b, v$asm_diskgroup a 

where a.group_number (+) =b.group_number 

order by b.group_number,;


---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------

                                 0          0          0 /dev/oracleasm/disks/DATA1     FORMER

CRS        CRS_0000           7177        396       6781 /dev/oracleasm/disks/CRS1      MEMBER

DATA       DATA_0001         10236       1183       9053 /dev/oracleasm/disks/DATA2     MEMBER

FRA        FRA_0000           6118        366       5752 /dev/oracleasm/disks/FRA1      MEMBER

You can later choose to complete drop DATA1 disk via below command and ask storage team to reclaim the mount points

[root@oraracn1 ~]# oracleasm deletedisk DATA1 /dev/sdb1

You can also achieve above via ASMCA but make sure you monitor re-balancing manually!

AS per Oracle Support Documents


If your plans are replacing the current disks associated to your diskgroups with a new storage, this operation can be accomplished without any downtime, so you can follow the next steps

1) Backup all your databases and valid the backup (always required to protect your data).

2) Add the new path (new disks from the new storage) to your asm_diskstring to be recognized by ASM:


SQL> alter system set asm_diskstring = '/dev/emcpowerc*' , '/dev/emcpowerh*';

Where: '/dev/emcpowerc*' are the current disks.
Where: '/dev/emcpowerh*' are the new disks.

3) Confirm that the new disks are being detected by ASM:

SQL> select path from v$asm_disk;


4) Validate all the new disks as described in the following document:

How To Add a New Disk(s) to An Existing Diskgroup on RAC Cluster or Standalone ASM Configuration (Best Practices). (Doc ID 557348.1)

5) Add the new disks to your desired diskgroup:

SQL> alter diskgroup <diskgroup name> add disk
‘<new disk 1>’,
‘<new disk 2>’,
‘<new disk 3>’,
‘<new disk 4>’,
‘<new disk N>’ rebalance power <#>; 

6) Then wait until the rebalance operation completes:

SQL> select * from v$asm_operation;
SQL> select * from gv$asm_operation;

7) Finally, remove the old disks:

SQL> alter diskgroup <diskgroup name> drop disk
<disk name A>,
<disk name B>,
<disk name D>,
<disk name E>,
<disk name X>  rebalance power <#>;

8) Then wait until the rebalance operation completes:

SQL> select * from v$asm_operation;
SQL> select * from gv$asm_operation;

9) Done, your ASM diskgroups and database have been migrated to the new storage.

Note: Alternatively, we can execute add disk & drop disk statements in one operation, in that way only one Rebalance operation will be started as follow:

SQL> alter diskgroup <diskgroup name>
add disk '<new device physical name 1>', .., '<new device physical name N>'
drop disk <old disk logical name 1>, <old disk logical name 2>, ..,<old disk logical name N>
rebalance power <#>;

This is more efficient than separated commands (add disk & drop disk statements).


Note 1: On 10g, a manual rebalance operation is required to restart the diskgroup rebalance and expel the disk(s) because on 10g (if something wrong happens on disk expelling, e.g. hanging) ASM will not restart the ASM rebalance automatically (this was already enhanced on 11g and 12c), therefore you will need to restart a manual rebalance operation as follows:
SQL> alter diskgroup <diskgroup name> rebalance power 11;


Note 2: Disk from the old SAN/Disk-Array/DAS/etc are finally expelled from the diskgroup(s) once the rebalance operation (from the drop operation) completes and when HEADER_STATUS = FORMER is reported thru the v$asm_disk view.

Thursday, 29 June 2023

Oracle 19c RAC installation On Oracle Linux 8 Step by Step

 Oracle 19c RAC installation On Oracle Linux 8 Step by Step


To install and configure Oracle GI 19cRU7 on the two database nodes:


1) Extract in the first database node.

2) Set the operating system environment variable $CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OL7

and install the Oracle GI 19c base version to the Oracle GI home of the first node by running: $

3) upgrade the Opatch utility from 12_2.0.1.17 to using 6880880

4) Apply patch p30189609 to the Oracle GI home for bug 30189609.8: cvu fails to detect the passwordless ssh and to set up passwordless SSH connectivity.

5) Extract the combination patch, which includes both the 30899722 and 30805684 patches.

Apply patch 30899722 to the Oracle GI 19c home to upgrade it from the 19c base version to 19cRU7 by following the instructions in Doc ID 30899722.8.

6) Install and configure the upgraded Oracle GI 19cRU7 by running the following command: $

7) Click Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a New Cluster and select both nodes.

8) If you continue to experience the error [INS-06003} Failed to setup passwordless SSH connectivity, create the passwordless SSH manually by running a command such as:

$ORACLH_HOME/deinstall/ -user grid -hosts "hostname1 hostname2" " -noPromptPassphrase -confirm -advanced

Note : The 19.3 software was released before OL8 was certified, so it's not on the list of valid distributions.

You can get round this by faking the distribution with the following environment variable.



Install Oracle RAC Database 19cRU7


To install and configure Oracle RAC 19cRU7:

1) After extracting Oracle RAC 19c base version, install the base software by setting the environment variable

 $export CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OL7 and running the runInstaller command.

2) During the SSH connectivity check phase, if you experience an error message such as [INS-30132] Initial setup required for the execution of Installer validation failed on nodes: node2,

manually create the passwordless SSH connectivity by running a command such as:

$ORACLE_HOME/deinstall// -user oracle -hosts "node11 node2" -noPromptPassphrase -confirm -advanced

3) Select Reuse private and public keys existing in the user home and click Test.

4) Click OK and continue with the Oracle RAC software installation.

5) Follow the instructions in the patch 6880880 readme file to apply the patch the Oracle RAC home on each RAC node to upgrade the Opatch utility from 12_2.0.1.17 to

6) Apply the patch to upgrade the Oracle RAC home from 19c base version to 19cRU7 by following the instructions in Oracle Support Document 30899722.8.

   Run the opatchauto command as the Linux root user on each RAC node.

7) Follow the instructions in the 30805684 readme file to apply the patch to Oracle RAC home on each node.

1.      Hardware Requirements

The first thing we need to verify the hardware requirements for an Oracle 19c Release 3

— Check Physical RAM.

# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo

We need at least 8192 MB of physical RAM. <----

— Check Swap Space.

# grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo/*

RAM up to 1024MB then swap = 2 times the size of RAM

RAM between 2049MB and 8192MB then swap = equal to the size of RAM

RAM more than 8192MB then swap size = 0.75 times the size of RAM

We need at least 8192 MB of swap <----

-– Check space available in /tmp

# df -h /tmp/*

You need to have at least 2048 MB of space in the /tmp directory. <---

-– Check space for Oracle Software and pre-configured database.

# df -h

Space requirement for Oracle 19c Software:

Enterprise Edition 10G  <---- Minimum

[oracle@rac1 19.0.0]$ du -sh dbhome_1

9.9G    dbhome_1

[oracle@rac1 19.0.0]$

—- To determine whether the system architecture can run the software, enter the following command:

# grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo

This command displays the processor type. Verify that the processor architecture matches the Oracle software release that you want to install. If you do not see the expected output, then you cannot install the software on this system.


2. Verify OS version

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.5

[oracle@rac1 ~]$

3. Download Software

Download the Oracle software from OTN or MY ORACLE SUPPORT (MOS).

Software image/patch name               Description

---------------------------------------------------                  Oracle GI 19c base software 19.3                             Patch 6880880           Patch 30189609                    Oracle RAC 19c base software 19.3             Patch 307835556 combo that includes both patch P30899722 and P30805684

To verify the network

ping -c 2 easydb1
ping -c 2 easydb2
ping -c 2 easydb1-priv
ping -c 2 easydb2-priv

[root@easydb1 ~]# nslookup easydb-scan

Name: easydb-scan.localdomain
Name: easydb-scan.localdomain
Name: easydb-scan.localdomain

Copy the oracle 19c grid software using shared folder


[root@easydb1 19c]# pwd/media/sf_oracle_software/19c
[root@easydb1 19c]# cp /u01/app/19c/grid/
[root@easydb1 19c]#unzip

Install the package cvudisk from the grid home as the “root” user on all nodes.

1st Node

[root@easydb1 grid]# cd /u01/app/19c/grid/cv/rpm
[root@easydb1 rpm]# rpm -Uvh cvuqdisk*
Preparing… ################################# [100%]
Using default group oinstall to install package
Updating / installing…
1:cvuqdisk-1.0.10-1 ################################# [100%]

2nd Node

scp ./cvuqdisk* root@easydb2:/tmp
ssh root@easydb2 rpm -Uvh /tmp/cvuqdisk*

Configure Oracle ASM

fdisk -l check before formatting

[root@easydb1 ~]# fdisk /dev/sdb

Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2).
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
Be careful before using the write command.
Device does not contain a recognized partition table
Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0xd0e0d61b.
Command (m for help):
Partition type:
p primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)
e extended
Select (default p): 
Partition number (1-4, default 1):
First sector (2048-25165823, default 2048):
Using default value 2048
Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-25165823, default 25165823):
Using default value 25165823
Partition 1 of type Linux and of size 12 GiB is set
Command (m for help):
The partition table has been altered!
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.

[root@easydb1 ~]# fdisk /dev/sdc

Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2).
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
Be careful before using the write command.
Device does not contain a recognized partition table
Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x6c7dc5e4.
Command (m for help): 
Partition type:
p primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)
e extended
Select (default p):
Partition number (1-4, default 1):
First sector (2048-73400319, default 2048):
Using default value 2048
Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-73400319, default 73400319):
Using default value 73400319
Partition 1 of type Linux and of size 35 GiB is set
Command (m for help): 
The partition table has been altered!
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.

Configure oracleasm utility.

[root@easydb1 grid]# /usr/sbin/oracleasm configure -i

Configuring the Oracle ASM library driver.
This will configure the on-boot properties of the Oracle ASM library
driver. The following questions will determine whether the driver is
loaded on boot and what permissions it will have. The current values
will be shown in brackets (‘[]’). Hitting <ENTER> without typing an
answer will keep that current value. Ctrl-C will abort.
Default user to own the driver interface []: 
Default group to own the driver interface []: 
Start Oracle ASM library driver on boot (y/n) [n]:
Scan for Oracle ASM disks on boot (y/n) [y]: 
Writing Oracle ASM library driver configuration: done

This can be verified using:-

[root@easydb1 grid]# /usr/sbin/oracleasm configure

Initialize the asmlib with the oracleasm init command to load oracleasm module and mount the oracleasm filesystem:-

[root@easydb1 grid]# /usr/sbin/oracleasm init
Creating /dev/oracleasm mount point: /dev/oracleasm
Loading module “oracleasm”: oracleasm
Configuring “oracleasm” to use device physical block size
Mounting ASMlib driver filesystem: /dev/oracleasm

When ASMLIB is configured, a special file system is created and mounted as /dev/oracleasm, you should notice the following line from the df command:-

[root@easydb1 grid]# df -ha | grep oracle
oracle_software 931G 315G 617G 34% /media/sf_oracle_software
oracleasmfs 0 0 0 – /dev/oracleasm

[root@easydb1 grid]# oracleasm createdisk ASMDISK_DATA /dev/sdb1
Writing disk header: done
Instantiating disk: done
[root@easydb1 grid]# 
oracleasm createdisk ASMDISK_OCR /dev/sdc1
Writing disk header: done
Instantiating disk: done
[root@easydb1 grid]# cd /dev/oracleasm/disks
[root@easydb1 disks]# ls -lrt
total 0
brw-rw—-. 1 oracle oinstall 8, 17 Dec 31 11:13 ASMDISK_DATA
brw-rw—-. 1 oracle oinstall 8, 33 Dec 31 11:13 ASMDISK_OCR

[root@easydb1 disks]# oracleasm scandisks
Reloading disk partitions: done
Cleaning any stale ASM disks…
Scanning system for ASM disks…

[root@easydb1 disks]# oracleasm listdisks

Node 2
[root@easydb2 grid]# 
/usr/sbin/oracleasm configure -i

Configuring the Oracle ASM library driver.
This will configure the on-boot properties of the Oracle ASM library
driver. The following questions will determine whether the driver is
loaded on boot and what permissions it will have. The current values
will be shown in brackets (‘[]’). Hitting <ENTER> without typing an
answer will keep that current value. Ctrl-C will abort.
Default user to own the driver interface []: 
Default group to own the driver interface []: 
Start Oracle ASM library driver on boot (y/n) [n]:
Scan for Oracle ASM disks on boot (y/n) [y]: 
Writing Oracle ASM library driver configuration: done
[root@easydb2 grid]# 
/usr/sbin/oracleasm init
Creating /dev/oracleasm mount point: /dev/oracleasm
Loading module “oracleasm”: oracleasm
Configuring “oracleasm” to use device physical block size
Mounting ASMlib driver filesystem: /dev/oracleasm

[root@easydb2 grid]# oracleasm scandisks
Reloading disk partitions: done
Cleaning any stale ASM disks…
Scanning system for ASM disks…
Instantiating disk “ASMDISK_OCR”
Instantiating disk “ASMDISK_DATA”

[root@easydb2 grid]# oracleasm listdisks

Configure SSH Setup

[oracle@easydb1 deinstall]$ pwd
[oracle@easydb1 deinstall]$ 
./ -user oracle -hosts “easydb1 easydb2” -noPromptPassphrase -confirm -advanced

Pre-check for RAC Setup

Pre-check for CRS installation using Cluvfy 

We use this Cluvfy command to check that our cluster is ready for the Grid install.

[oracle@easydb1 grid]$ ./ stage -pre crsinst -n easydb1,easydb2 -verbose

Display Config and Start Grid Installation
su –
export DISPLAY=:0.0
xhost +
su – oracle
[oracle@easydb1 ~]$ DISPLAY=easydb1.localdomain:0.0; export DISPLAY

Install and Configure Oracle 19c Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster

[oracle@easydb1 ~]$ cd /u01/app/19c/grid/

[oracle@easydb1 grid]$ ./
Launching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Setup Wizard…

Select the Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a New Cluster option, then click the Next button.

Accept the Configure an Oracle Standalone Cluster option by clicking the Next button.

Enter the cluster name easydb-cluster, SCAN name easydb-scan and SCAN port 1521, then click the Next button.


On the “Cluster Node Information” screen, click the Add button.
Enter the details of the second node in the cluster, then click the OK button.


Click the SSH connectivity button and enter the password for the oracle user. Click the Setup button to configure SSH connectivity, and the Test button to test it once it is complete. Once the test is complete, click the Next button.



Check the public and private networks are specified correctly as ASM & Private. Click the Next button.

Accept the Use Oracle Flex ASM for Storage option by clicking the Next button.




Select the No option, as we don’t want to create a separate disk group for the GIMR in this case. Click the Next button.

First Browse the path /dev/oracleasm/disks* using change discovery path

Set the redundancy to External, click the 12GB DISK for OCR configuration, then click the Next button.

Enter the credentials and click the Next button.

Accept the default IPMI option by clicking the Next button.

Deselect EM. Click the Next button.

Set the groups to oinstall and click the Next button. Accept the warnings on the subsequent dialog by clicking the Yes button.

Click the Next button.

Accept the default inventory directory by click the Next button

Click the Next button.

Check the Ignore All checkbox and click the Next button.

Double check and click the Install button.

When prompted, run the configuration scripts on each node one by one

Node 1

[root@easydb1 run]# /u01/app/oraInventory/
Changing permissions of /u01/app/oraInventory.
Adding read,write permissions for group.
Removing read,write,execute permissions for world.
Changing groupname of /u01/app/oraInventory to oinstall.
The execution of the script is complete.

Node 2

[root@easydb2 grid]# /u01/app/oraInventory/
Changing permissions of /u01/app/oraInventory.
Adding read,write permissions for group.
Removing read,write,execute permissions for world.
Changing groupname of /u01/app/oraInventory to oinstall.
The execution of the script is complete.

Node 1

[root@easydb1 run]# /u01/app/19c/grid/
Performing root user operation.
The following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /u01/app/19c/grid
Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin …
Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin …
Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin …
Creating /etc/oratab file…
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Relinking oracle with rac_on option
Using configuration parameter file: /u01/app/19c/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
The log of current session can be found at:
2019/12/31 15:05:54 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 1 of 19: ‘SetupTFA’.
2019/12/31 15:05:54 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 2 of 19: ‘ValidateEnv’.
2019/12/31 15:05:54 CLSRSC-363: User ignored prerequisites during installation
2019/12/31 15:05:55 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 3 of 19: ‘CheckFirstNode’.
2019/12/31 15:06:02 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 4 of 19: ‘GenSiteGUIDs’.
2019/12/31 15:06:06 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 5 of 19: ‘SetupOSD’.
2019/12/31 15:06:06 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 6 of 19: ‘CheckCRSConfig’.
2019/12/31 15:06:07 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 7 of 19: ‘SetupLocalGPNP’.
2019/12/31 15:08:34 CLSRSC-4002: Successfully installed Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2019/12/31 15:08:39 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 8 of 19: ‘CreateRootCert’.
2019/12/31 15:08:58 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 9 of 19: ‘ConfigOLR’.
2019/12/31 15:09:36 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 10 of 19: ‘ConfigCHMOS’.
2019/12/31 15:09:36 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 11 of 19: ‘CreateOHASD’.
2019/12/31 15:09:50 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 12 of 19: ‘ConfigOHASD’.
2019/12/31 15:09:51 CLSRSC-330: Adding Clusterware entries to file ‘oracle-ohasd.service’
2019/12/31 15:12:06 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 13 of 19: ‘InstallAFD’.
2019/12/31 15:12:21 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 14 of 19: ‘InstallACFS’.
2019/12/31 15:14:34 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 15 of 19: ‘InstallKA’.
2019/12/31 15:14:48 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 16 of 19: ‘InitConfig’.
ASM has been created and started successfully.
[DBT-30001] Disk groups created successfully. Check /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/asmca/asmca-191231PM031547.log for details.
2019/12/31 15:22:26 CLSRSC-482: Running command: ‘/u01/app/19c/grid/bin/ocrconfig -upgrade oracle oinstall’
CRS-4256: Updating the profile
Successful addition of voting disk 9dbe409170c24f0abf8890b6ff79694c.
Successfully replaced voting disk group with +OCR_DISK.
CRS-4256: Updating the profile
CRS-4266: Voting file(s) successfully replaced
## STATE File Universal Id File Name Disk group
— —– —————– ——— ———
1. ONLINE 9dbe409170c24f0abf8890b6ff79694c (/dev/oracleasm/disks/ASMDISK_DATA) [OCR_DISK]
Located 1 voting disk(s).
2019/12/31 15:26:21 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 17 of 19: ‘StartCluster’.
2019/12/31 15:29:07 CLSRSC-343: Successfully started Oracle Clusterware stack
2019/12/31 15:29:08 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 18 of 19: ‘ConfigNode’.
2019/12/31 15:36:21 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 19 of 19: ‘PostConfig’.
2019/12/31 15:38:35 CLSRSC-325: Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster … succeeded

Node 2

[root@easydb2 grid]# /u01/app/19c/grid/
Performing root user operation.
The following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /u01/app/19c/grid
Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin …
Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin …
Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin …
Creating /etc/oratab file…
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Relinking oracle with rac_on option
Using configuration parameter file: /u01/app/19c/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
The log of current session can be found at:
2019/12/31 15:42:39 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 1 of 19: ‘SetupTFA’.
2019/12/31 15:42:39 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 2 of 19: ‘ValidateEnv’.
2019/12/31 15:42:39 CLSRSC-363: User ignored prerequisites during installation
2019/12/31 15:42:39 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 3 of 19: ‘CheckFirstNode’.
2019/12/31 15:42:44 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 4 of 19: ‘GenSiteGUIDs’.
2019/12/31 15:42:45 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 5 of 19: ‘SetupOSD’.
2019/12/31 15:42:45 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 6 of 19: ‘CheckCRSConfig’.
2019/12/31 15:42:48 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 7 of 19: ‘SetupLocalGPNP’.
2019/12/31 15:42:53 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 8 of 19: ‘CreateRootCert’.
2019/12/31 15:42:53 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 9 of 19: ‘ConfigOLR’.
2019/12/31 15:43:19 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 10 of 19: ‘ConfigCHMOS’.
2019/12/31 15:43:20 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 11 of 19: ‘CreateOHASD’.
2019/12/31 15:43:25 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 12 of 19: ‘ConfigOHASD’.
2019/12/31 15:43:25 CLSRSC-330: Adding Clusterware entries to file ‘oracle-ohasd.service’
2019/12/31 15:44:10 CLSRSC-4002: Successfully installed Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2019/12/31 15:48:30 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 13 of 19: ‘InstallAFD’.
2019/12/31 15:48:34 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 14 of 19: ‘InstallACFS’.
2019/12/31 15:50:39 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 15 of 19: ‘InstallKA’.
2019/12/31 15:50:43 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 16 of 19: ‘InitConfig’.
2019/12/31 15:51:37 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 17 of 19: ‘StartCluster’.
2019/12/31 15:53:16 CLSRSC-343: Successfully started Oracle Clusterware stack
2019/12/31 15:53:16 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 18 of 19: ‘ConfigNode’.
2019/12/31 15:54:16 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 19 of 19: ‘PostConfig’.
2019/12/31 15:55:00 CLSRSC-325: Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster … succeeded

Once the scripts have completed, return to the Execute Configuration Scripts screen and click the OK button.


Grid Installation is complete. Ignore the NTP error.





Install and Configure Oracle 19c Software binary


[oracle@easydb1]$ . db.env
[oracle@easydb1 dbhome_1]$ unzip
[oracle@easydb1 dbhome_1]$ ./runInstaller
Launching Oracle Database Setup Wizard…

Select the setup software only option, then click the Next button.

Accept the Oracle Real Application Clusters database installation option by clicking the Next button.

Make sure both nodes are selected, then click the Next button.

Select the Enterprise Edition option, then click the Next button.

Enter /u01/app/oracle as the Oracle base and /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1 as the software location, then click the Next button.

Click the Next button.Accept the warnings on the subsequent dialog by clicking the Yes button

Click the Next button.

Check the “Ignore All” checkbox and click the “Next” button.

Click the Install button.

When prompted, run the configuration script on each node. When the scripts have been run on each node, click the OK button.


Node 1

[root@easydb1 dbhome_1]# /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1/
Performing root user operation.
The following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1
Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
The contents of “dbhome” have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of “oraenv” have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of “coraenv” have not changed. No need to overwrite.
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.

Node 2

[root@easydb2 dbhome_1]# /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1/
Performing root user operation.
The following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1
Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
The contents of “dbhome” have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of “oraenv” have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of “coraenv” have not changed. No need to overwrite.
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.

Oracle 19c Installation is completed.






DATA and FRA Disk group Creation


Now we will create DATA and FRA disk group, We will use DATA disk group to store the database information and FRA for recovery of data.

Command to create the disk group: –







Output: –

Note: – After creating the disk groups they are visible only on rac node 1, but to visible on rac node 2 as well you need to mount it manually through below command.

RAC Node 2 beforemount output: –

RAC node 2 after mount output: –





Creating ASM Diskgroup  using ASMCA Tool for database creation



[oracle@easydb1 ~]$ . grid.env
[oracle@easydb1 ~]$ asmca

Select Disk Groups and create

Set the redundancy to External, click the 35GB DISK for Database configuration, then click the ok button.

DiskGroup is ready for creating Database

Database Creation 

[oracle@easydb1 ~]$ . db.env
[oracle@easydb1 ~]$ dbca

Select the Create Database option and click the Next button.

Select the Advanced configuration option.and click the Next button.

Select the General purpose and click the Next button.

Make sure both nodes are selected, then click the Next button.


Enter the Database Name and deselect CDB Database


Default select as it is and Click next

Deselect FRA and Archivelog mode

Default as it is and Click next

Check ASMM Memory

Default as it is and Click next

Enter oracle user Credential and click next

Select Create Database and click finish

Oracle 19c Rac Database Creation is completed.


Post-Check For Rac Setup

Check the Status of the RAC

[oracle@easydb1 ~]$ srvctl config database -d oraeasydb
Database unique name: oraeasydb
Database name: oraeasydb
Oracle home: /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1
Oracle user: oracle
Spfile: +DATA_DISK/ORAEASYDB/PARAMETERFILE/spfile.268.1028487843
Password file: +DATA_DISK/ORAEASYDB/PASSWORD/pwdoraeasydb.256.1028485849
Start options: open
Stop options: immediate
Database role: PRIMARY
Management policy: AUTOMATIC
Server pools:
Disk Groups: DATA_DISK
Mount point paths:
Type: RAC
Start concurrency:
Stop concurrency:
OSDBA group: oinstall
OSOPER group: oinstall
Database instances: oraeasydb1,oraeasydb2
Configured nodes: easydb1,easydb2
CSS critical: no
CPU count: 0
Memory target: 0
Maximum memory: 0
Default network number for database services:
Database is administrator managed

Database Level

[oracle@easydb1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Tue Dec 31 19:20:07 2019
Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release – Production

SQL> select INST_NUMBER,INST_NAME FROM v$active_instances;

———– ———————————-
1 easydb1.localdomain:oraeasydb1
2 easydb2.localdomain:oraeasydb2

SQL> SELECT instance_name, host_name FROM gv$instance;

—————- —————————————————————-
oraeasydb1 easydb1.localdomain
oraeasydb2 easydb2.localdomain